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Another Belgian composer, Paul Gilson, has of late won more than local fame by his 'Princesse Rayon de Soleil, produced at Brussels in 1905. In modern times the stream of opéra comique has divided into two channels.

Shannon, Hacker, and Solomon les chefs de rayon de la peinture. And when these painters arrived, each with a van filled with new satin duchesses, I would say, "Go to Mr. Agnew, ask him what space he requires, and anything over and above they shall have it." I would convert the Chantrey Fund into white satin duchesses, and build a museum opposite Mr. Tate's for the blue.

You know, there are plenty of homeless boys who need your help. Wouldn't it pay better to develop a Henry M. Stanley once a homeless orphan than a Salvator or an Ormonde or a Rayon d'Or? "'Pound away, said Bill. 'Nail an' rivet me to the cross. I haven't a word to say, except this: What in the devil do ye want me to do? "'Well, ye might help to redeem New England, I said.

The empress, robed in lace and glittering in jewels, seemed, says an eye-witness, to realize the picture presented of herself in the composer's words: "Espagne bien aimée, le ciel est vermeil, C'est toi qui l'as formée D'un rayon de soleil." When the cantata had been sung, the Grand Master of the Ceremonies conducted the bride, as yet only half married, back to the Élysée.

Outside of this was a rayon or clear space six hundred feet in width, separating the city from the suburbs. These suburbs, Leopoldstadt, Mariahilf, etc., now incorporated with the inner city in one municipal government, were then small detached villages. From time to time the rayon was encroached upon by enterprising builders, with the connivance of the emperor or the garrison commander.

He had the finest collection in existence, and maintained a friendly and learned correspondence with the other collector an elderly, disillusioned Russian prince, who lived somewhere near Nijni-Novgorod. On the spinet and on the writing-table were great bowls of golden rayon d'or roses. Doggie sat down to think. An unwonted frown creased his brow. Several problems distracted him.

Two leaders of a better type, Morelos and Rayon, still continued to carry on the war, but their forces were defeated in 1815, and though I believe there has been occasional fighting since then, matters have been comparatively quiet. “In South America things went better. In 1809 a revolt broke out at Quito; it was headed by a man named Narenno.

I should have called them sentimental idiots, but Betty saw much clearer than I did. She accompanied me back to the corridor and to the Committee Room door. I was a quarter of an hour late. "I've kept the precious Rayon d'Ors for myself," she said. "How could you have the heart to cut them?" "I would have cut out my heart itself, for the matter of that," said I, "if it would have done any good."

Peut-etre dans un temps comparativement rapproche serai-je en position de donner ma demission non seulement a la Saturday, mais a la litterature, et a me devouer exclusivement a l'Art. Du moment ou cela arrivera il sera infiniment plus facile d'etre ensemble, car je tacherai de faire un genre d'Art qui me permettra d'etudier chez nous, ou dans un petit rayon.

Immediately the words evoke the chaste vision sung by Leconte de Lisle, in his poem "l'Epiphanie": Elle passe, tranquille, en un rêve divin, Sur le bord du plus frais de tes lacs, ô Norvège! Le sang rose et subtil qui dore son col fin Est doux comme un rayon de l'aube sur la neige.