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In this fashion I saw myself in a fair way of making a respectable fortune in time; but one, day, having lent a Jew two sequins upon some books, I found one amongst them called 'La Sagesse, by Charron.

Then we have a fair translation of Voltaire's romance, "Memnon," or "La Sagesse Humaine." The old lord, when he was collecting his papers for his autobiography, had altogether forgotten his Voltaire, and thought that he had composed the story! Nothing so absurd as that is told of Cicero by himself or on his behalf.

"Absolutely irresistible," Ormond repeated, smiling; "not absolutely, I hope." "Oh! that is understood you do not doubt la sagesse de Madame? Besides, heureusement, there is an infinite safety for her in the number, as you see, of her adorers. Wait till I name them to you I shall give you a catalogue raisonnee."

Five or six months ago, I was reading La Sagesse, by Charron, and somehow or other my confessor heard of it; when I went to him for confession, he took upon himself to tell me to give up reading that book. I answered that my conscience did not reproach me, and that I could not obey him.

If she was worldly, she was also useful, intelligent, and popular, and a paragon in her brother's partial eyes. Mieux vaut une once de fortune qu'une livre de sagesse. This bell was to save his old bones; he never went up-stairs, and he resented every visitor as an innovation. They were so few, his temper was not much tried.

A worthy scion of the old stock of Waverley-Honour spes altera, as Maro hath it and you have the look of the old line, Captain Waverley; not so portly yet as my old friend Sir Everard mais cela viendra avec le tems, as my Dutch acquaintance, Baron Kikkitbroeck, said of the sagesse of Madame son epouse. And so ye have mounted the cockade?

Five or six months ago, I was reading La Sagesse, by Charron, and somehow or other my confessor heard of it; when I went to him for confession, he took upon himself to tell me to give up reading that book. I answered that my conscience did not reproach me, and that I could not obey him.

And in some of his books, Bonne Chanson, Fetes Galantes, Romances sans paroles, and his last volume, Sagesse, were poems where he himself was revealed as an original and outstanding figure.

Charron, De la Sagesse. My pastor, who knows all about it. My pastor tells me what to believe and I believe it; he assures me that any one who says anything else is mistaken, and I give not heed to them. "What! thought I, is not truth one; can that which is true for me be false for you?

'C'est peu de chose, says Obermann, 'de n'être point comme le vulgaire des hommes; mais c'est avoir fait un pas vers la sagesse, que de n'être plus comme le vulgaire des sages. This penetrating remark hits the difference between De Senancourt himself and most of the school.