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It seems to me we do mean something when we say that Phidias, Sophocles, and Aristophanes, Raphael, Racine, Molière, Poussin, Milton, Wren, Jane Austen and Mozart are highly civilized artists, and that the creators of the Gothic cathedrals and the author of the Chanson de Roland, Villon, Webster, Rembrandt, Blake, Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, Whitman, Turner, Wagner and the Congolese fetish-makers are not.

Her dear old Venetian song, "Beauty's Eyes," "An Old Garden" she hesitated over that, and hummed it through "Best of All" "In Old Madrid" the vocal score of the "Mikado" her little "Chanson de Florian," and a score of others. She blushed at her collection.

Adelaïde; for the education of her pupils she had the use of several châteaux. Many a piquant epigram and chanson were composed for the edification of the "gouverneur."

We get up early and we work late, and we sleep hard, and when the weather is good and wages good, and there's plenty in the house, we stay sober and we sadly sing, 'On the other side of Jordan'; but when the weather's heavy and funds scarce, and the pork and molasses and bread come hard, we get drunk, and we sing the comic chanson 'Brigadier, vows avez raison! We've been singing a sad song to-night when we're feeling happy.

"But mark," they cried unitedly, "you have got to wind up with the story of Bras-Coupé!" "A song! A song!" "Une chanson Créole! Une chanson des nègres!" "Sing ' tolé dancé la doung y doung doung!" cried a black-eyed girl. Raoul explained that it had too many objectionable phrases. "Oh, just hum the objectionable phrases and go right on."

Auntie does her best to shunt us, too. "Verona," says she, "why don't you and Torchy get out the chafing-dish and make some of that delicious maple fudge you are so fond of." "Why, Aunty!" says Vee. "When you know I've stopped eating candy for a month." "You might play something for him," is Auntie's next suggestion. "That new chanson." "But we'd much rather listen to you and Mr.

He had a curious store of legend and chanson, and he had the Frenchman's power of applying them, though he did it seldom. But now he said in a half monotone: "Have you seen the way I have built my nest? They had gone scarce a mile farther when Pierre, chancing to turn round, saw a horseman riding hard after them. They drew up, and soon the man a Rider of the Plains was beside them.

A cavalier must keep his promise with a lady, at least till he knows she is ardently in love with him." He gave his hand to the duke, and as he left the room he hummed a light French chanson. Ranuzi looked after him with a long, frowning glance. "Poor fool," murmured he, "he believes he plays his part so well that he deceives even me.

Thereto Punch Costello roared out mainly Etienne chanson but he loudly bid them, lo, wisdom hath built herself a house, this vast majestic longstablished vault, the crystal palace of the Creator, all in applepie order, a penny for him who finds the pea. Behold the mansion reared by dedal Jack See the malt stored in many a refluent sack, In the proud cirque of Jackjohn's bivouac.

She laughed, and the lurking echoes clasped the music of that laughter in their wanton arms and hurried it across the river. "Sing to me," said I. Then imagine my surprise I, who had heard nothing but German fall from her lips? when in a heavenly contralto she sang a chanson from "La Fille de Madame Angot," an opera forgotten these ten years! "Elle est tellement innocente!"