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But her sad eyes, still fastened on the ground, Are governed with a goodly modesty, That suffers not a look to glance away, Which may let in a little thought unsound. Spenser. Vouloir ce que Dieu veut est la seule science Qui nous met en repos. Malherbe. At the end of those four weeks I was to be married to him, one day, quietly in church, and to go away.

They wished, by crossing the Seule at Reviers, to get to the coast at Luc-sur-Mer, seven leagues from Bayeux, where the embarkation was to take place. When d'Aché and his companions left Bayeux, Luc-sur-Mer was in a state of excitement.

We showed him the town, and some of the modest pleasures thereof; we introduced him to the Haunt, and astonished him by the company which he met there. Between Brent's "Deserter" and Mark Wilder's "Garryowen," Florac sang Tiens voici ma pipe, voila mon bri quet; Et quand la Tulipe fait le noir tra jet Que tu sois la seule dans le regi ment Avec la brule-gueule de ton cher z'a mant;

Michelet reveals the character of Diana in these words: "Affected by nothing, loving nothing, sympathizing with nothing; of the passions retaining only those which will give a little rapidity to the blood; of the pleasures preferring those that are mild and without violencethe love of gain and the pursuit of money; hence, there was absence of soul. Another phase was the cultivation of the body, the body and its beauty uniquely cared for by virile treatment and a rigid régime which is the guardian of lifenot weakly adored as by women who kill themselves by excessive self-love." M. Saint-Amand continues, after quoting the above: "At all seasons of the year, Diana plunges into a cold bath on rising. As soon as day breaks, she mounts a horse, and, followed by swift hounds, rides through dewy verdure to her royal lover to whomfascinated by her mythological pompshe seems no more a woman but a goddess. Thus he styles her in verses of burning tenderness: "'Hélas, mon Dieu! combien je regrette Le temps que j'ai perdu en ma jeunesse! Combien de fois je me suis souhaité Avoir Diane pour ma seule maîtresse. Mais je craignais qu'elle, qui est déesse, Ne se voulût abaisser jusque l

Early in the morning of the second day after the coming of Victoria's letter, the two men started in Nevill's yellow car, the merry-eyed chauffeur charmed at the prospect of a journey worth doing. He was tired, he remarked to Stephen, "de tous ces petits voyages d'une demi-heure, comme les tristes promenades des enfants, sans une seule aventure."

Que dire si l'on voyait dans un autre genre de mechaniques, entreprendre le radoub ou la construction d'un vaisseau de ligne avec la seule theorie, avec les seules resources des Sauvages dans la construction de leurs Pirogues!"

Our author thus proceeds: «La vue seule de la chaine du Jura nous apprend donc ce que deviendroit enfin toutes les montagnes. Dans la plus grande partie de son étendue, il ne souffre plus aucun changement ruineux: la végétation le recouvre presque partout.

Voltaire recognized nothing else in La Rochefoucauld but this sardonic misanthropy, this determination to prove that man is guided solely by self-interest. This Voltaire thought was the seule vérité contained in the "Maximes," and in a measure he was right.

"No," laughed Cecil, "such public proclamation would never suit these inconsistent days." "Can you not believe yourself 'Une seule, Cecil, even in these days?" returned he, meaningly and tenderly. "That would depend on my knight," said she, blushing, and uncertain how to take it. "I should not care to live in a Fool's Paradise."

When Mercy remonstrated with her on her relapse into some of her old habits from which at first she seemed to have weaned herself, "La seule réponse que j'aie obtenu a été la crainte de s'ennuyer." Mercy to Maria Teresa, November 19th, 1777, Arneth, iii., p. 13. See Marie Antoinette's account to her mother of his quarrel with the Duchess de Bourbon at a bal de l'opéra, Arneth, iii., p. 174.