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Updated: August 2, 2024

Aux mains seules, ils m'ont applique le feu et le fer plus de 18 fois, et i'etais oblige de chanter pendant ce supplice. Ils ne cessaient de me tourmenter qu'a une ou deux heures de la nuit." Bressani, Relation Abregee, 122. Bressani speaks in another passage of tortures of a nature yet more excruciating. He adds, that past ages have never heard of such.

Les deux escaliers du Mont-Blanc sont les seules sommités qui n'aient pas des augives de ce genre.

A gold piece caused a guard to unlock the first compartment door, although it said, "Dames Seules," and "Ladies Only" in large letters.

Que dire si l'on voyait dans un autre genre de mechaniques, entreprendre le radoub ou la construction d'un vaisseau de ligne avec la seule theorie, avec les seules resources des Sauvages dans la construction de leurs Pirogues!"

One of these functionaries approached them with eagerness and with a "Mesdames sont seules?" receiving in return from her ladyship the slightly snappish announcement "Non; nous sommes beaucoup!" He introduced them to a table larger than most of the others, and under his protection they took their places at it and began rather languidly and vaguely to consider the question of the repast.

Ce n'est pas, croyez le bien, Monsieur, ce n'est pas ici pour nous une question d'interet personnel, c'est une question d'affection; vous me pardonnerez si nous vous parlons de vos enfants, si nous nous occupons de leur avenir, comme si elles faisaient partie de notre famille; leurs qualites personnelles, leur bon vouloir, leur zele extreme sont les seules causes qui nous poussent a nous hasarder de la sorte.

He passed us at first, and was much put out, I could see, disappointed no doubt, but he came back presently and stood for some time at our window, while I hid my face in among the rugs, and Philpotts cowered in a corner. He came back more than once during the journey and stared. No doubt he would have taken a seat in our compartment, but it was reserved for dames seules or ladies alone.

The most noticeable feature of the ritual was the prominence assigned to women; "ce sont les femmes qui le pleurent, et qui l'accompagnent a sa tombe. Elles sanglotent eperdument pendant les nuits, c'est leur dieu plus que tout autre, et seules elles veulent pleurer sa mort, et chanter sa resurrection."

You recollect Shakspeare says, 'Now bid me run, And I will strive with things impossible, Yea, get the better of them." Englishman. "And Corneille, in the Cid, I believe, makes his hero a compliment upon his having performed impossibilities 'Vos mains seules ont le droit de vaincre un invincible." Scotchman. "Ay, that would be a bull in an Irishman, but it is only an hyperbole in a Frenchman."

"Annie replied in the negative with great dignity, and so cut off any chance of adventure in that quarter. "On came the train. In France there is fortunately a provision made for women traveling without an escort. In your country they have, I believe, smoking-cars especially for the gentlemen: in that blessed land there is a compartment for 'ladies alone, or Dames Seules, as it is called.

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