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"Mais, c'est charmant!" exclaimed Mademoiselle Vielville, who was enchanted at discovering something like gaiety and pleasure among the "tristes Amêricains," and who had never even suspected them of being capable of so much apparent enjoyment. "These are the prettiest village sports I have ever witnessed," said Eve, "though a little dangerous, one would think.

'And a young girl so carefully brought up, so well educated and amiable, so useful in the house! Voyez-vous, madame, ces choses sont trop tristes, she said with tears; and what could we say to comfort her? To attend upon us we had a delightful peasant woman, neat, clean, sturdy, unlettered; yet very intelligent, and full of interest in English inventions and English ways.

But the devoted secretary seemed to find it natural. "No, that never comes on together with this kind of fit. He just lay there full length on a mat, while a ragged, bare-legged boy that he had picked up in the street sat in the patio, between two oleanders near the open door of his room, strumming on a guitar and singing tristes to him from morning to night.

In fact, if the truth be told, the Boxers surrounded us in a constant vapour of words so formidable that one might well have reason to be alarmed. P , the Minister, was, indeed, very talkative and gesticulative; his wife was sad and sighed constantly elle poussait des soupirs tristes at the lurid spectacle her husband's words conjured up. According to him, anything was possible.

"There," she cried. "O comme elles sont tristes et sauvages, ces collines! But I have flowers here. You will give me water, will you not? They will wither else." She gathered her treasures in her lap, and a moment later we heard her light, springy footfall upon the stair. So she had been out all night, this strange woman.

The other was a quiet, subdued person, blond and lymphatic and sad, with something the look of a Dane: "Tristes têtes de Danois!" as Gaston Lafenestre used to say. I must not let that name go by without a word for the best of all good fellows now gone down into the dust.

The other was a quiet, subdued person, blond and lymphatic and sad, with something the look of a Dane: 'Tristes tetes de Danois! as Gaston Lafenestre used to say. I must not let that name go by without a word for the best of all good fellows now gone down into the dust.

Whereupon he spouted Victor Hugo: "Lorsque l'enfant parait, le cercle de famille Applaudit a grands cris; son doux regard qui brille Fait briller tous les yeux; Et les plus tristes fronts, les plus souilles peut-etre, Se derident soudain a voir l'enfant paraitre, Innocent et joyeux." All things had gone well for M. Lenoble.

"Il y a un lieu sur la terre ou le vice ne s'introduit pas, ou les passions tristes n'ont jamais d'empire, ou le plaisir et l'innocence habitent toujours ensemble, ou les soins sont chers, ou les travaux sont doux, ou les peines s'oublient dans les entretiens, ou l'on jouit du passe, du present, de l'avenir; et c'est la maison de deux epoux qui s'aiment."

May it be that everything has a soul and that this soul begs to be freed? Oh tierras de Alvargonzález, en el corazón de España, tierras pobres, tierras tristes, tan tristes que tienen alma! sings our poet Antonio Machado in his Campos de Castilla. Is the sadness of the field in the fields themselves or in us who look upon them? Do they not suffer?