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Not a man escaped her attention, and as we passed through the tents she gave to each of her "chers enfants," black or white, a cheering smile or a kindly word. She did, however, whilst talking to us, omit to salute a Senegalais. Before she passed out of the tent he commenced to call after her, "Toi pas gentille aujourd'hui, moi battre toi."

Grisons-nous, mes chers amis, L'ivresse Vaut la richesse; Pour moi, dès que le suis gris, Je possède tout Paris!" "Oh hush!" said I, uneasily; "not so loud, pray!" "Why not?" "The the neighbors, you know. We cannot do as we would in the Quartier Latin." "Nonsense, my dear fellow. You don't swear yourself to silence when you take apartments in a hôtel meublé!

Can we stop? It's impossible. We must go on till we've thrown them out. It is dreadful, but what would you have? Ah! Our son he was so promising!" And the mother, weeping over the tin-tacks, would make the neatest little parcel of them, murmuring out of her tears: "Il faut que ça finisse; mais la France il ne faut pas que la France Nos chers fils auraient été tués pour rien!" Poor souls!

The genius loci, the Chevalier himself, was not the last to welcome this prime stay and ornament of his establishment. He came shuffling forward with a hundred apish conges and chers milors, to express his happiness at seeing Lord Dalgarno again. "I hope you do bring back the sun with you, Milor You did carry away the sun and moon from your pauvre Chevalier when you leave him for so long.

Perret, greatly delighted, skipped about in rapture, inquiring in a high piping voice for Félicité and the boy, and asking many questions for which he waited for no answer. Then there was a lady from the shop, Au Bonheur des chers Petits, to be greeted very cordially, and the old domino-player, who, Brigit learned, was a cousin.

The following is an extempore piece which she composed in the absence of her husband and brother, in a conversation with some person relative to them, while walking with her sister in law, and their two children: Ces deux messieurs, qui sont absens, Nous sont chers e bien des manieres; Ce sont nos amiss, nos amans, Ce sont nos maris et nos freres, Et les peres de ces enfans.

Here Monsieur Moineau, a French emigre, and our Gallic tutor, cried out lustily, "You shall force that door, never jamais, jamais my pretty garcons, mes chers pupils, be good, be quiet go you couch yourselves les feux d'artifice! bah! they worth noding at all you go to bed.

Well, as soon as my mistress learned this she remembered that your father, the Marshal, had been one of her /plus chers amis/; in a word, if scandal says true, he had been /the cher ami/. However, she was instantly resolved to open your eyes, and ruin the /maudit Jesuite/: she enclosed the letter in an envelope and sent me to England with it.

The following is an extempore piece which she composed in the absence of her husband and brother, in a conversation with some person relative to them, while walking with her sister in law, and their two children: Ces deux messieurs, qui sont absens, Nous sont chers e bien des manieres; Ce sont nos amiss, nos amans, Ce sont nos maris et nos freres, Et les peres de ces enfans.

That seems to be about all they can do, just as if we contented ourselves with yelling ''Rah for Bryan! 'One more for McKinley! I must say if they haven't any more notion of business than that they don't either of 'em deserve to get there." "In France," observed Mr. Dod, "they stick up little handbills addressed to their 'chers concitoyens' as if voters were a lot of baa-lambs and willie-boys.