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He actually seemed to have grown thinner. Even his frank smile and word of wonderfully English French had failed him. She went back to her kitchen in consternation. "Ce pauvre monsieur! C'est affreux! Something is wrong with him and mademoiselle. Ma foi, if I had such a lover!" Mrs. Costello was gone, and Lucia sat alone, and very dreary.

A man, to be the companion of Captain Berselius, needs to be big and strong in body and mind, or he would be crushed by the hand of Captain Berselius. Yes, he is a terrible man in a way un homme affreux a man of the tiger type and he is going to the country of the big baboons, where there is the freedom of action that the soul of such a man desires "

"Dans cet etat affreux, que faire? Mon devoir." Victoire courageously proceeded to Mad. de Fleury's, and desired to see her. "D'abord c'est impossible madame is dressing to go to a concert;" said Francois. "Cannot you leave your message?"

Their murmurs rose to violent protest on behalf of the poilu. "C'est un heros, tout de meme. Cinq mois dans les tranches! C'est affreux! Mais oui, il est soul, mais pour quoi pas! Apres cinq mois sur le front qu'est-ce que cela signifie? Ca n'a aucune importance!" A dandy French officer of Chasseurs Alpins stepped into the center of the scene and tapped the policeman on the shoulder.

Gaston whispered gloomily behind my chair: "Mon petit caporal" he called me that because of a fancied likeness to the young Napoleon "dites donc. Vous croyex quils vont passer par Amiens? Non, ce n'est pas possible, ca! Pour la deuxieme fois? Non. Je refuse a le croire. Mais c'est mauvais, c'est affreux, apres tant de sacrifice!"

They were conscious of their own good fortune and came chattering very cheerfully from the station up the Street of the Three Pebbles, on their way to their streets. But every now and then they gave a cry of surprise and dismay at the damage done to other people's houses. "O la la! Regardez ca! c'est affreux!"

As to assistance, she could give none. At last her exaggerated demonstrations of horror and grief ended with, "Dieu merci! an moins nous voila delivres de ce voyage affreux. Apparemment qu'il ne sera plus question de ce vilain Petersburg pour madame."

"Is it really bad outside?" asked Pearson. M. Pelouse shrugged his shoulders. It was affreux. "It is indeed," corroborated Mrs. Phillips: she had spent her moment at the front door. "Nobody that I can find room for leaves my house tonight." This meant that Cope and Lemoyne were to occupy the chintz chamber. M. Pelouse gradually regained himself. Cope interested him.

And regard the bunch of lombardies in this other picture. They look like umbrellas upside down in a silly wash-basin. Uff! It's terrible. Affreux! Don't act as though you liked them. You really needn't, you know. Can't you see now that they're hideously out of drawing?" Mr.

Je ne vous parle pas du vide affreux de ma vie et de mon ame. Je sais que Dieu me donnera la force de le supporter en travaillant encore pour ceux qui m'ont quittee. Et le jour du revoir viendra.