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"It does sound like a circus, that's a fact," sez I. "Well, you break it to him gently that Alice LeMoyne is dead. Don't ask me any questions, but do be careful not to shock him, he seems purty high strung."

Again Basil Randolph was their hope. "He ought to be able to do something for me in the city," said Lemoyne. "He's acquainted in business circles, isn't he?" Cope bent over him paler, thinner, more solicitous. "I'll try it," he said. Cope once more approached Randolph, but Randolph shook his head. He had no faith in Lemoyne, and he had done enough already against his own interests and desires.

Cope had to adjust himself to all this, and to endure, besides, the congratulations or the comments of a number of tiresome relatives; and it was a relief when, on the twenty-ninth, Arthur Lemoyne finally arrived.

Such persons, so soon as they become convinced of their error, immediately change their policy, and advocate the elevation of the colored people, anywhere and everywhere, in common with other men. Of such were the early abolitionists as before stated; and the great and good Dr. F.J. Lemoyne, Gerrit Smith, and Rev.

Lemoyne, who had been cast originally for a minor female part, now found himself transferred, through the failure of a principal, to a more important one. For him, then, rehearsals were more exigent than ever. He cut his Psychology once or twice, nor could he succeed, during office hours, in keeping his mind on office-routine. His superiors became impatient and then protestant.

If Lemoyne developed too extreme a reluctance, he would be reminded that he was cherishing the hope of a position in the registrar's office, for at least half of the day; also, that Randolph enjoyed some standing in University circles, and that his brother-in-law was one of the trustees. "Yes, indeed," continued Cope, in a further corroboration which might better have been dispensed with.

Lemoyne was pronounced a useless element in one field, a discrepant element in another, a detriment in both. His essentially slight connection with the real life of the University came to be more fully recognized. Alma Mater, in fine, could do without him, and meant to.

He had no desire to dramatize the scene of Pearson's advance, assault and victory, nor to visualize the setting up of the monument by which that victory was commemorated. Lemoyne did it for him. Pearson had probably indulged in some disparagement of Cope a phase on which Lemoyne, as a faithful friend, did not dwell.

By "certain young men" she thought she meant Cope and Lemoyne. Of course she meant Cope only. "If Carolyn keeps amiable and if Hortense contrives to regain her good- nature, we may have some pleasant days yet," she mused. But Hortense did not regain her good-nature; she did not even maintain her self-control. In the end, the ceremony was too much for her.

Lemoyne proceeded to practical matters. "If that room is still free, engage it from the first of January. I will have a few things sent down. Father is weakening a little. Anyhow, I've got enough money for a couple of months. Cope rather took heart from these rough, outspoken lines.