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Mountague, not a little puzzled by mademoiselle's phraseology: "Lord George did me the honour to introduce me to Lady S ." "Ah, Milord George! are you a long time acquainted wid milord?" "Yes, ma'am, I have known Lord George many years." "Ah, many year! you be de family physician, apparemment?" "The family physician! Oh no, ma'am!" said Mr. Mountague, smiling.

Gudule's deep bell, tolling slowly two, marked the moment for which I had been waiting. At the foot of the narrow back-stairs that descended from my room, I met M. Pelet. "Comme vous avez l'air rayonnant!" said he. "Je ne vous ai jamais vu aussi gai. Que s'est-il donc passe?" "Apparemment que j'aime les changements," replied I. "Ah! je comprends c'est cela-soyez sage seulement.

"Monsieur la trouve bien séduisante apparemment" said the stranger, in a low, rapid voice, to the gentleman, in a manner which showed a mingling of pique and admiration.

"Apparemment c'est un pauvre miserable, qui a fait naufrage," observed the old negro, who appeared to have the charge of the vessel; "Gustave Adolphe, tu parles bien l'Anglois; demandez-lui les nouvelles," continued the old man, folding his arms across, and looking very big indeed, as he reclined against the mainmast of the vessel. Gustave Adolphe stood forward from the rest of the negroes.

"Apparemment ce captaine Anglais est un pen sans facon Voila qui est poli!" whispered Mademoiselle Viefville. "These commanders of vessels of war are little kings," quietly observed Mr. Effingham, who had unavoidably noticed the whole procedure. The gig was soon clear of the ship, and both the gentlemen repeated their adieus to those on deck.

Monsieur Tagliabue, who sat on the other side of Mrs T, found that the turkey was in request it was some time before he could help himself. "C'est superbe?" said Monsieur, thrusting a truffle into his mouth. "Apparemment, madame, n'aime pas la cuisine Anglaise?" "Ve," replied Mrs Turnbull. "Madame, what will you be hassisted to?" continued Mrs T. "Tout de bon, madame."

Des les commencemens du V'e siècle, Rutilius Claudius Numatianus en avoit donné une, qui ne nous est parvenue qu'incomplète, parce que apparemment la mort ne lui permit pas de l'achever. L'objet étoit son retour de Rome dans la Gaule, sa patrie. Mais, comme il n'avoit voyagé que par mer, il ne put voir et décrire que des ports et des cotes; et de l

Mais, mon enfant, expliquez moi done tout ca Mais ca ne s'explique point Certes c'est une Anglaise qui scait donner, mais qui ne scait pas vivre. Voltaire s'y connaissait mieux que moi apparemment et heureusement." Content with this easy method of settling things, Mad. de Coulanges sealed and despatched her letters, appealed no more to Mrs.

"Well, really, Ma'am, you prodigiously surprise me!-mais, apparemment ce n'est qu'une facon de parler? -though I should beg your pardon, for probably you do not understand French?"

"Un phénomène encore plus curieux que cela est cette belle pyrite sulphureuse jaune, comme de l'or, qui est quelquefois parsemée par tout la substance de pétrifications agathisées, et qui apparemment y fut déposée après la dite métamorphose