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He was so ugly that women ran away from him some have even thrown themselves from the cliffs of Amoz into the Darel Az rather than mate with the Ugly One." "But what had that to do with his brothers?" I asked.

Below us were green trees and warm jungles. In the distance was a great sea. "The Lural Az," I said, pointing toward its blue-green surface. Somehow the gods alone can explain it Perry, too, had clung to his rifle during his mad descent of the icy slope. For that there was cause for great rejoicing.

According to a correspondent of the Hungarian newspaper "Az Est" the problem was solved by the Austro-German armies in a remarkable way. In the first place the number of horses before each wagon was increased. Where formerly two horses had been used, four were employed now, and where four used to be considered sufficient the number was increased to six.

Considerin', too, that I knew her when she was Deacon Salisbury's darter, and our fam'lies waz thick az peas. She knew me well enough when I met her in Frisco the other day." "Have you seen Mrs. Demorest already?" said Demorest, with sudden vivacity. "Why didn't you say so before?"

He's the kind of man, gin'rally speaking, that other men, in a pow'ful hurry, don't care to meet and, az a rule, don't FOLLER arter. It's gin'rally the other way." "What do you mean?" inquired Clarence sternly. "Of whom are you speaking?" "The Chief of Police of San Francisco!"

Soon after the boy would sit down near the table in the morning and, fingering the Slavonic alphabet, repeat after his aunt: "Az, Buky, Vedy." When they reached "bra, vra, gra, dra" for a long time the boy could not read these syllables without laughter.

They'uns wus sent for t' come over and help we'uns lick yo'uns the fust two days, but they'uns wouldn't come. I'm jest glad they'uns kotched hit good an' hard ez they'uns done got hit. But we'uns 's now got heaps more men than we'uns had at Stone River, an' they're all together over thar by Tullyhomy. Lordy, you jest orter seed 'em az I did.

Since the sun neither rises nor sets there is no method of indicating direction beyond visible objects such as high mountains, forests, lakes, and seas. The plain which lies beyond the white cliffs which flank the Darel Az upon the shore nearest the Mountains of the Clouds is about as near to any direction as any Pellucidarian can come.

Some one slacks off the lee braces and sings out 'Haul away! Then the watch proceed to haul, with weird, wild cries in minor keys that rise and fall and rise again, like the long-drawn soughing of the wind itself. Eh heigh o az! Eh heigh ee! Eh hugh! In comes the brace till the trim suits the mate, when he calls out 'Turn the crossjack brace! which means making it fast on a belaying pin.

There you will find a river that flows into the Lural Az. "'Directly opposite the mouth of the river you will see three large islands far out so far that they are barely discernible. The one to the extreme left as you face them from the mouth of the river is Anoroc, where I rule the tribe of Anoroc."