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I didna gea slapdash to them wi' our young bra' bridegroom, to gar them haud up the market; na, na; I scared them wi' our wild tenantry, and the Mac-Ivors, that are but ill settled yet, till they durstna on ony errand whatsoever gang ower the doorstane after gloaming, for fear John Heatherblutter, or some siccan dare-the-deil, should tak a baff at them: then, on the other hand, I beflumm'd them wi' Colonel Talbot wad they offer to keep up the price again' the Duke's friend? did they na ken wha was master? had they na seen eneugh, by the sad example of mony a puir misguided unhappy body

Never before had beauty so ministered to every sense. He felt himself lost in his surroundings, absorbed in the scent and murmur of the night. On the upper terrace a dozen lacqueys with wax lights hastened out to receive the travellers. A laughing group followed, headed by a tall vivacious woman covered with jewels, whom Odo guessed to be the Procuratessa Bra.

He danced up with his usual ungainly frolics, first to the Baron and then to Rose, passing his hands over his clothes, crying, 'Bra', bra' Davie, and scarce able to sing a bar to an end of his thousand- and-one songs for the breathless extravagance of his joy. The dogs also acknowledged their old master with a thousand gambols.

'As Vaisvanara fire' here means 'embodied in the intestinal fire. The Chandogya text under discussion enjoins meditation on the highest Self embodied in the Vaisvanara fire. Bra. The intestinal fire by itself cannot be called a person; unconditioned personality belongs to the highest Self only. Up. For the same reasons not the divinity and the element.

He said it in various ways but each time she felt flaunted like a woman seeing the image of herself in a bra on a lit billboard in front of a bench at a bus stop only in her case bust size and her ability to wear lingerie beautifully did not matter.

Bra was the finest, with a grand old red-brown castle towering high on a hill, and throwing a cool shadow all across the hot, white road below. "We must stop in Asti, if it's but for ten minutes," said Sir Ralph. "Do you mean on account of Vittorio Alfieri?" "Who is he?" inquired Mamma; and I was wondering, too; but I hate to show that I don't know things Maida knows.

"Hegh, sirs!" answered Ailsie Gourlay; "how bra' are we wi' our new black coat and our weel-pouthered head, as if we had never kenn'd hunger nor thirst oursells! and we'll be screwing up our bit fiddle, doubtless, in the ha' the night, amang a' the other elbo'-jiggers for miles round. Let's see if the pins haud, Johnie that's a', lad."

This was the personal domain and as disgusted as she was with it, her disgust was not as solid as she had wished it to be. It was weakened and attenuated by the pleasure of having a significant other know insignificant things about her like where she hung her bra. To have him know such things made her feel a little less cryptic.

But," sez I, for I see she looked red and overcasted by my remarks, "I don't s'pose it will make any difference in a 100 years whether you say ran or ron." But sez I, "Ardelia, it is a hot day, and I wouldn't write any more if I wuz in your place. If you should heat your bra-, the upper part of your head, you might not get over it for some time."

'Like the bra' Highlander tat's painted on the board afore the mickle change-house they ca' Luckie Middlemass's, answered Callum; meaning, I must observe, a high compliment, for, in his opinion, Luckie Middlemass's sign was an exquisite specimen of art. Waverley, however, not feeling the full force of this polite simile, asked him no further questions.