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"What WOULD you hev done?" said Uncle Billy, after an hysterical collapse. Uncle Jim's face grew grave again. "I'd hev I'd hev cl'ared out! Out er 'Frisco! out er Californy! out er Ameriky! I couldn't have stud it! Don't think I would hev begrudged ye yer luck! No man would have been gladder than me."

I had told him a yarn about suspecting some of the men had whisky concealed in the ship. He was away less than half an hour, but when he came back it was with a piece of news most alarming. "Mr. Sedgwick," he gasped, "you remember that big, black-faced guy you set me trailing in 'Frisco Captain what's-his-name well, he's on this ship sure as I'm a foot high!" My heart lost a beat.

You won't see my trail for smoke when I get a gait on for God's country, my wad in my poke and the sunshine in my eyes. Say! How'd a good juicy tenderloin strike you just now, green onions, fried potatoes, and fixin's on the side? S'help me, that's the first proposition I'll hump myself up against. Then a general whoop-la! for a week Seattle or 'Frisco, I don't care a rap which, and then "

'Upon my word, my lord, I'm sorry you have taken so much trouble about such a trifle. 'A man should always have his money when he wins. 'We don't think anything about such little matters at Frisco, my lord. 'You're fine fellows at Frisco, I dare say. Here we pay up when we can.

"But until then he's got to keep hisself, to pay wages, and keep the mill runnin'. Onless it's, ez Bixby says, that he hopes to get that Englishman to rope in some o' them 'Frisco friends of his to take a hand. Ye didn't have any o' that kind o' talk, did ye?" "No; not THAT kind o' talk," said Minty. "Not THAT kind o' talk!" repeated her father with aggrieved curiosity, "Wot kind, then?"

Buffeted hither and thither, he made a fierce fight for the rail, reached it, and leaped far out into the seething waters. In the prime of his belligerent career the Pet of 'Frisco had undergone many fierce contests and withstood some terrible punishments, but never had he undertaken a task calling for greater courage and power of endurance than the one he had this night voluntarily assumed.

"Threw down the outfit in a row they had with the Lafferty crowd, didn't he?" asked Denver. Frisco nodded. Mac got up, glanced round, and reached for his hat. "I reckon I'll have to be going," he said, and forthright departed. Reddy reached for HIS hat and rose. "I got to go and have a talk with Mac," he explained. Denver got to the door first and his big frame filled it. "Don't hurry, Reddy.

'Frisco Kid went below to make coffee, but Joe remained on deck, watching the lights of South San Francisco grow, and speculating on their destination. Mexico! They were going to sea in such a frail craft! Impossible! At least, it seemed so to him, for his conceptions of ocean travel were limited to steamers and full-rigged ships.

In 1880 the log homes were moved into a square, forming a very effective sort of fort, nearly a mile southeast of the present townsite. Until that time the community had kept the name of Frisco, given because of the nearby head-waters of the San Francisco River. In 1881 most of the settlers moved over to Nutrioso for protection, but only for a few weeks.

I know what ye're thinkin'. But she ain't as bad as she looks! Keep yer heart clear; never fear. You an' me can lick all Thomahlia! Go straight up them stairs, an' stand that blackguard Senestro on his 'ead, just like y'd do in Frisco!" "Who are you?" asked Watson, intent upon the great three-leafed clover. He used the same low, cautious tone the other had employed. "Who are you, friend?"