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Two were unmistakable sons of the Fatherland; all were well set up, with the look of men who would figure to advantage in any affair calling for physical competence and courage, from coffee and pistols at sunrise in the Parc aux Princes to a battle royal in a Tenderloin dive. Their table commanded both ways out, by the stairs and by the elevator, much too closely for Lanyard's peace of mind.

Like all detectives on a case, Herman was averse to parting with any information, and I felt that it was natural, for if he succeeded in working it out human nature was not such as to willingly share the glory. "Oh," he replied airily, "she was a girl who had knocked about considerably in the Tenderloin.

"No, I didn't." "Well well," I broke in. "If you stopped on the way, you can remember where. The people you spoke to will be as good as the clerks and bell-hops at the Palace for your alibi." He sat silent, thoughtful, and I added, "Where did you go from Tait's, Worth?" "To a garage in the Tenderloin where they keep good cars. I'd hired machines from them before." "Oh, they knew you there?

When one recalls the aspect of our hotel tables at home the bread-plates left with their piles of cold, uneatable corn-bread, and heavy, chilled muffins and sodden toast uneaten, uncared-for and wasted; the huge steak, with its scrap of tenderloin carefully scolloped out, and the rest left to be thrown away; the broiled chicken the legs scorned in favor of the more toothsome breast; the half-emptied plates of omelettes and fried potatoes, one realizes how low prices for board in Paris are still compatible with the increased price of provisions, and why we must pay five dollars at home for accommodations for which we expend two here.

A scrap of the gristle end of the New York Tenderloin; a suggestion of a certain part of New Orleans; a short cross section of the Levee, in Chicago; a dab of the Barbary Coast of San Francisco in its old, unexpurgated days; a touch of Piccadilly Circus in London, after midnight, with a top dressing of Gehenna the Unblest it had seemed to us a compound of these ingredients, with a distinctive savor of what was essentially Gallic permeating through it like garlic through a stew.

The Queen's face cleared a little at this, and Guido proceeded with increased animation: "Behold further upon the front page, your Majesty, the effigy of a man wearing a round crown with a peak or projecting shelf over the eyes. Under this we read the legend 'The Czar of the Tenderloin. Now, your Majesty will remember that the ruler of Muscovy is termed the Czar.

Such a supper or breakfast it will be! I can smell it now, for I know Thoreau his fish, his birds, the tenderest steaks in the forests! I can hear Thoreau cursing because the train hasn't come, and I'll wager he's got fish and caribou tenderloin and partridges just ready for a final turn in the roaster. What do you say? Will you get off with me?" "It is a tempting offer to a hungry man, Father."

But most diverting of all are these two little cherubs who ran away and got married, and now want the world to support them while they write masterpieces of literature!" And could not one see the great public devouring the tale the Wall Street clerks in the cars, and the shop-girls over their sandwiches and coffee, and the loungers in the cafes of the Tenderloin!

Comes to a showdown we've got one table, four stools, and a bed that will make first-class fuel. We ain't so worse off." "If we only had some food," Mrs. Olson suggested. "Food!" Pete looked at her in assumed surprise. "Huh! What about all that live stock I got in the stable? I've heard tell, ma'am, that broncho tenderloin is a favorite dish with them there French chiefs that do the cooking.

It was not so much the caribou tenderloin, rich in its own red juice, or the potato, or the pot of coffee that was filling the cabin with its aroma, that roused his wonder, but the hot, brown muffins that accompanied the other things. Muffins! And after a deluge that had drowned every square inch of the earth! How had Bateese turned the trick?