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Ringgan was still busy with his newspaper, Miss Cynthia Gall going in and out on various errands, Fleda shut up in the distant room with the muffins and the smoke; when there came a knock at the door, and Mr. Ringgan's "Come in!" was followed by the entrance of two strangers, young, welldressed, and comely. They wore the usual badges of seekers after game, but their guns were left outside.

At last, after listening to the swash of the waves outside, wondering if the machinery usually creaked in that way, and watching a knot-hole in the side of my berth, sure that death would creep in there as soon as I took my eye from it, I dropped asleep, and dreamed of muffins.

Oh, darling Edith, how sweet of you. Oh, just ring the bell for me, will you? Edith rang. 'I want to send for Marie, my maid, and tell her to order some muffins for tea. I forgot to tell the cook. 'But you have already ordered and countermanded them. 'Oh, have I? so I have! Never mind, don't ring. It doesn't matter. Who do you know, dear? Standing appeared in answer to the bell.

It held the best pickles, preserves, cold meats and jellies that the houseboat larder could furnish. Lillian had made a pitcher of lemonade and another of iced tea. Miss Jones had roasted potatoes, and her corn muffins were ready to slip into the oven as soon as she heard their friends approaching.

At four-thirty, while I was still concerned over the possible misadventures of the Honourable George, my first patrons for tea began to arrive, for I had let it be known that I should specialize in this. Toasted crumpets there were, and muffins, and a tea cake rich with plums, and tea, I need not say, which was all that tea could be.

Those muffins look so nice and hot. Tell me about Rajahs." After another week of rain the high arch of blue sky appeared again and the sun which poured down was quite hot. Though there had been no chance to see either the secret garden or Dickon, Mistress Mary had enjoyed herself very much. The week had not seemed long.

We've muffins for tea, and some preserves sent all the way from dear Old England. Now, Allen, be lively to-night, and show us how that cold chicken should be carved. Thus Lilian, Doctor Fenwick's wife, rattled on. She had grown very stout in the five years passed since 'A Strange Story' was written, and now weighed full thirteen stone, was red-cheeked and merry as a cricket. Mrs.

The place is known as the rattlesnakes' den to this day, though there are none there now, I believe." "My little cousin is well, I hope," said Mr. Rossitur. "She? yes, bless her I she is always well. Where is she? Fairy, where are you? Cynthy, just call Elfieda here." "She's just in the thick of the muffins, Mr. Ringgan." "Let the muffins burn! Call her."

"Come in, come in," urged Burns, while Ellen smiled a greeting at her sister, a round-faced, fair-haired, energetic young woman, as different as possible from Ellen's own type. "Have a chair." He rose to get it for her, napkin in hand. "Will you sit down and try one of Cynthia's magnificent muffins?" "No, thank you.

He is so absorbed in the perusal of the King of Crim Tartary's letter, that he allows his eggs to get cold, and leaves his august muffins untasted. 'What! that wicked, brave, delightful Prince Bulbo! cries Princess Angelica; 'so handsome, so accomplished, so witty the conqueror of Rimbombamento, where he slew ten thousand giants! 'Who told you of him, my dear? asks His Majesty.