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Updated: August 5, 2024

After these, is the story of Matsya; other old stories recited by Markandeya; the stories of Indradyumna and Dhundhumara; then the history of the chaste wife; the history of Angira, the meeting and conversation of Draupadi and Satyabhama; the return of the Pandavas to the forest of Dwaita; then the procession to see the calves and the captivity of Duryodhana; and when the wretch was being carried off, his rescue by Arjuna; here is Yudhishthira's dream of the deer; then the re-entry of the Pandavas into the Kamyaka forest, here also is the long story of Vrihidraunika.

He then asked me, "Is there any one who is longer lived than thou?" I answered him, saying, "There liveth on the Himavat an owl of the name of Pravarakarna. He is older than I. He may know thee. The part of the Himavat where he dwelleth is far off from here." And at this Indradyumna became a horse and carried me to where that owl lived and the king asked the owl, saying, "Dost thou know me?"

And Dwaipayana and Narada and Jamadagnya and Prithusravas; and Indradyumna and Bhalaki and Kritachetas and Sahasrapat; and Karnasravas and Munja and Lavanaswa and Kasyapa; and Harita and Sthulakarana and Agnivesya and Saunaka; and Kritavak and Suvakana Vrihadaswa and Vibhavasu; and Urdharetas and Vrishamitra and Suhotra and Hotravahana; these and many other Brahmanas of rigid vows then adored Yudhishthira like Rishis adoring Purandara in heaven!"

And the owl seemed to reflect for a moment and then said unto the king, "I do not know thee." And the royal sage Indradyumna thereupon asked the owl, "Is there any one who is older than thou?" And thus asked the owl answered, saying, "There is a lake of the name of Indradyumna. In that lake dwelleth a crane of the name of Nadijangha. He is older than we. Ask thou him."

Vaisampayana said, "The sons of Pandu and those Rishis then asked Markandeya, 'Is there anybody that is blessed with longer life than thou? And Markandeya answered them, saying, 'There is without doubt, a royal sage of the name of Indradyumna and his virtue having diminished, he fell from heaven, crying, "My achievements are lost!" And he came unto me and asked, "Dost thou know me?"

Vaisampayana said, "Having, O great king, heard from the illustrious Markandeya the history of the attainment of heaven by the royal sage Indradyumna, Yudhishthira, that bull of the Bharata race, once more asked that sinless Muni endued with great ascetic merit and long life, saying, 'Thou knowest, O virtuous one, the entire host of the gods, the Danavas, and the Rakshasas.

And at this king Indradyumna taking both myself and the owl went to that lake where the crane Nadijangha dwelt. And that crane was asked by us, "Dost thou know the king Indradyumna?" And the crane thereupon seemed to reflect a little and then said, "I do not know king Indradyumna." And the crane was asked by us, "Is there any one who is older than thou?"

And on thy car roaring like unto clouds and effulgent like the sun, thou didst obtain for thy queen the daughter of Bhoja, defeating Rukmi in battle! Thou didst in fury slay Indradyumna and the Yavana called Kaseruman! And slaying Salwa the lord of Saubha, thou didst destroy that city of Saubha itself!

And that crane was asked by us, 'Dost thou know the king Indradyumna? And the crane thereupon seemed to reflect a little and then said, 'I do not know king Indradyumna. And the crane was asked by us, 'Is there any one who is older than thou? And he answered us, saying, 'There dwelleth in this very lake a tortoise of the name of Akupara. He is older than I. He may know something of this king.

Thou hadst acted properly in causing king Indradyumna who had fallen from Heaven to regain his sphere! And Markandeya answered them, saying, 'Devaki's son, Krishna, also had thus raised the royal sage Nriga who had sunk in hell and caused him to regain Heaven!"

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