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They had the best time of the lot, for they carried out their explorations in blissful ignorance of the tribulations of Scott, Campbell, Atkinson and myself, whose stories I have tried to summarise. For breezy reading and real bright narrative commend me to Griffith-Taylor. For lightheartedness and good fellowship our Australian geologists should be given first prize.

I assume that you arrive at the rendezvous, Granite Harbour, on or about January 15, and pick up the Western Geological Party as arranged. The party will consist of Griffith-Taylor, Debenham, Gran, and Forde. The first copy of this document may be found by you at the depot made by this party on the Bluff at the entrance of the Harbour, but I hope that Taylor himself will hand it to you.

The second ascent of Mount Erebus was carried out in December, 1912, by a party under Raymond Priestley, and although it cannot be described in a little volume like this a really fine scientific journey was made by Griffith-Taylor, Debenham, Gran, and Petty Officer Forde.

Raymond Priestley has written it in book form already, just as Griffith-Taylor has published his particular narrative of the Western Journey in "The Silver Lining." Both books are of absorbing interest to those who are fond of Polar literature. I have, I hope, made clear the reason of Campbell's landing at Cape Adare. Mr.