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"Let him speak!" said the big smith threateningly. "You aren't big enough to stop his mouth, not by a long chalk!" He seized a hammer and stationed himself at the foot of the anvil. "Comrades!" Pelle began, in an easy tone, "I have been sent here to you with greetings from those outside there from the comrades who used to stand next to you at work, from your friends and fellow-unionists.

Like their fellow-unionists, the waitresses, they made such good use of their trade-union solidarity, and showed such courage, wisdom and resource, that the union became even more to the laundry-workers than it had been before this severe trial of its worth. Two-thirds of the steam laundries had been destroyed, likewise the union headquarters.

"Let him speak!" said the big smith threateningly. "You aren't big enough to stop his mouth, not by a long chalk!" He seized a hammer and stationed himself at the foot of the anvil. "Comrades!" Pelle began, in an easy tone, "I have been sent here to you with greetings from those outside there from the comrades who used to stand next to you at work, from your friends and fellow-unionists.

The strike-breakers were men of all callings; a few of the unemployed wrote down their names and addresses, in order to insert them in The Working Man. One of Stolpe's fellow-unionists was among them; he was a capable pater-familias, and had taken part in the movement from its earliest days.

Not only did his fellow-Unionists write to encourage and moralise, but a number of those people who are ever ready to indite letters to people of any prominence, the honestly admiring and the windily egoistic, addressed communications either to Wanley Manor or to the editor of the 'Fiery Cross. Mutimer read eagerly every word of each most insignificant scribbler; his eyes gleamed and his cheeks grew warm.

The strike-breakers were men of all callings; a few of the unemployed wrote down their names and addresses, in order to insert them in The Working Man. One of Stolpe's fellow-unionists was among them; he was a capable pater-familias, and had taken part in the movement from its earliest days.