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He then detailed the circumstances of the assault I had made upon his character, forgetting to mention, however, the provocation he had given by the fraudulent charge for greasing. Having finished his peroration, he proceeded to call witnesses to the fact of the abuse, and cited Hans Felder, our postilion, to be first examined.

Hans Felder, he bawled to the postilion, 'I charge you not to move; the horses may be led back to the stable: the gracious gentleman has called me a rogue. Stiefel, run for the police: the gracious gentleman says I am a rogue. I will cite him before the council. It was in vain that I put my head out of the window, and bawled to the postilion to proceed. He was evidently afraid to move.

"Felder has twisted his foot, and you will have to take his place in left field," "Am I to bat in his place?" questioned the youngest Rover. "Yes." "All right. I'll do the best I can." There was silence around the grounds when the Brill team came to the bat. With the score 5 to 2 in favor of Roxley, it looked rather dubious for the visitors.

All of a sudden, an organ-grinder in the street began playing an air from the Freischuetz: 'Durch die Felder, durch die Auen ... The dance tune fell shrill and quivering on the motionless air. Gemma started ... 'He will wake mamma! Sanin promptly darted out into the street, thrust a few kreutzers into the organ-grinder's hand, and made him cease playing and move away.