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Mist' Sydney an' Mist' Jawge talkin' louduh'n I evuh heah nobody ca'y on in nish heah house! Quollin', honey, big quollin'!" "All right," said George shortly. "You go on back to your own part of the house, and don't make any talk. Hear me?" "Yessuh, yessuh," Sam chuckled, as he shuffled away. "Plenty talkin' wivout Sam! Yessuh!" George went to the foot of the great stairway.

"He hoe me hoo," remarked Verman. "Yessuh, I tole him to," said Herman, "an' he chop 'er off, an' ey ain't airy oth' one evuh grown on wheres de ole one use to grow. Nosuh!" "But what'd you tell him to do it for?" "Nothin'. I 'es' said it 'at way an' he jes' chop er off!" Both brothers looked pleased and proud. Penrod's profound interest was flatteringly visible, a tribute to their unusualness.

"I ain't likely to fuhgit," said he, "dat de only blow dat evuh fell upon my back was from his han'! I guess you rickollick as well as I do. He cotch me coon-huntin' on his place an' strung me up. He'd jes' skinned me dar alive if you-all hadn't heered my holler in' an' run in." Layson was uneasy at the turn the talk had taken. "That was years ago, Neb," he expostulated.

"Yes, suh," he concluded one of his eulogies, "Mistuh Johnsing is the biggest man what evuh was." "Bigger than General Grant?" queried the white man to whom he was talking. "Suttinly Mistuh Johnsing is a bigguh man than General Grant," affirmed Eph. "Bigger than President Wilson?" "Of co'se he's bigguh than President Wilson." "Bigger than God?" "Well well " stammered Eph.

"He didn't live hyuh, suh; I used ter live hyuh, an' I ma'ied him down ter Madison, where I wuz wukkin'. We fell out one day, an' I got mad and lef' 'im it wuz all my fault an' I be'n payin' fer it evuh since an' I come back home an' went ter wuk hyuh, an' he come aftuh me, an de fus' day he come, befo' I knowed he wuz hyuh, dis yer Mistah Haines tuck 'im up, an' lock 'im up in de gyard house, like a hog in de poun', an' he didn' know nobody, an' dey didn' give 'im no chanst ter see nobody, an' dey tuck 'im roun' ter Squi' Reddick nex' mawnin', an' fined 'im an' sol' 'im ter dis yer Mistuh Fettuhs fer ter wo'k out de fine; an' I be'n wantin' all dis time ter hyuh fum 'im, an' I'd done be'n an' gone back ter Madison to look fer 'im, an' foun' he wuz gone.

'I ain't skeered er no ha'nt dat evuh walked, an' I sleeps in graveya'ds by pref'ence; fac', I jes nach'ly lacks ter talk ter ha'nts. You pay me de five dollahs, an' I'll 'gree ter stay in de ole house f'm nine er clock 'tel daybreak. "Dey talk' ter Jeff a w'ile, an' dey made a bahgin wid 'im; dey give 'im one dollah down, an' promus' 'im fo' mo' in de mawnin' ef he stayed 'tel den.

She listened shamelessly, fat bosom aquiver, to her radiant master's quips, commenting, "Mistuh Jon'than, chuckle ef yo' ain' chuckle de beatenes' evuh!" and warned David in a stage whisper to save room for a miracle of a pudding to come. Mrs.

But the serenity of Peter's retrospect was unmarred by any passing cloud. Those who dwell in darkness find it easier to remember the bright places in their lives. "Yas, suh, yas, suh, dem watermillions," he repeated with unction, "I kin tas'e 'em now! Dey wuz de be's watermillions dat evuh growed, suh dey doan raise none lack 'em dese days no mo'. An' den dem chinquapin bushes down by de swamp!

Pappy cut a man, an' de police done kep' him in jail evuh sense Chris'mus-time; but dey goin' tuhn him loose ag'in nex' week." "What'd he cut the other man with?" "Wif a pitchfawk." Penrod began to feel that a lifetime spent with this fascinating family were all too short. The brothers, glowing with amiability, were as enraptured as he.

"Nice green lettuce sam " He came suddenly to a dramatic dead-stop as he beheld William sitting before him, wearing that strange new dignity and Mr. Baxter's evening clothes. "Name o' goo'ness!" Genesis exclaimed, so loudly that every one looked up. "How in the livin' worl' you evuh come to git here?