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Peter Burley 'n' I ben promused fer nigh on to twelve year now, an' when he ast me I said no, I couldn't leave Mis' Brownleigh long's she needed me; an' he sez will I marry him the week after she dies, an' I sez I didn't like no sech dismal way o' puttin' it; an' he sez well, then, will I marry him the week after she don't need me no more; an' I sez yes, I will, an' now I gotta keep my promus!

Wilfrid, however, was angered by the absurdity of the charge and the scene, and also by the profane touch on Emilia's name. "I must tell you, ma'am, that for my father's sake I must desire you to quit this you will see the advisability of quitting this house for a time." "Pole's promus! Pole's promus!" Mrs. Chump wailed again.

Here, Promus, you are the head of my household. What is it, then? Why do you turn your eyes away from me?" The burly steward, whose fat face was haggard and mottled with anxiety, laid his hand upon the sleeve of the domestic beside him. "Sergius is responsible for the atrium, my lord. It is for him to tell you the terrible thing that has befallen in your absence." "Nay, it was Datus who did it.

"Will ye do it right off straight?" "Yes, if you will go at once." "Cross yer heart?" "What?" "Cross yer heart ye will? Thet's a sort o' oath t' make yer keep yer promus," explained Lizzie. "A lady needs no such thing to make her keep her promise. Don't you know that ladies always keep their promises?" "I wasn't so sure!" said Lizzie, "You can't most allus tell, 't's bes' to be on the safe side.

These collections it was his way to sift and transcribe again and again, adding as well as omitting. From one of these, belonging to 1594 and the following years, the Promus of Formularies and Elegancies, Mr. Spedding has given curious extracts; and the whole collection has been recently edited by Mrs. Henry Pott.

But the faithful negro tried to soothe and comfort her mistress, patting her shoulders as if she had been a baby, saying, "Dah! Dah! honey, don't take it so haad. Try to truss in de Lawd. He dun promus, an' he aint gwine back on nobody. I's dun sperience dat."

De niggers soon 'skiver' dat he wuz a Yankee, en dat he come down ter Norf C'lina fer ter l'arn de w'ite folks how to raise grapes en make wine. He promus Mars Dugal' he c'd make de grapevimes b'ar twice't ez many grapes, en dat de noo winepress he wuz a-sellin' would make mo' d'n twice't ez many gallons er wine. En ole Mars Dugal' des drunk it all in, des 'peared ter be bewitch' wid dat Yankee.

"Will you give me your assurance now that you will go, to be our guest again subsequently?" "In writin' and in words, Mr. Wilfrud!" "Answer me, ma'am." "I will, Mr. Wilfrud; and Mr. Braintop's a witness, knowin' the nature of an oath. There naver was a more sacrud promus. Says Pole, 'Martha " Wilfrid changed his tactics.

Did n' you promus me, ef I 'd gib you dat goopher, you 'd come en 'po't ter me 'bout all w'at wuz gwine on on dis plantation Co'se I could 'a' foun' out fer myse'f, but I 'pended on yo' tellin' me, en now by not doin' it I's feared you gwine spile my cunj'in'. You come down ter my house ter-night en do w'at I tells you, er I'll put a spell on you dat 'll make yo' ha'r fall out so you'll be bal', en yo' eyes drap out so you can't see, en yo teef fall out so you can't eat, en yo' years grow up so you can't heah.

'I ain't skeered er no ha'nt dat evuh walked, an' I sleeps in graveya'ds by pref'ence; fac', I jes nach'ly lacks ter talk ter ha'nts. You pay me de five dollahs, an' I'll 'gree ter stay in de ole house f'm nine er clock 'tel daybreak. "Dey talk' ter Jeff a w'ile, an' dey made a bahgin wid 'im; dey give 'im one dollah down, an' promus' 'im fo' mo' in de mawnin' ef he stayed 'tel den.