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No use in running Isaiah's head off trying to ketch her. I want you to finish second, understand? Isaiah can beat all these other hosses. Don't pay no 'tention to the mare. Let her go." Little Mose nodded. "'At Fieldmouse is sutny a goin' fool when 'ey bet stable money on huh," said he. "Let 'at ole mare go, eh?" "Exackly," said the old man, "but be sure you beat the rest of 'em."

Newcourt ascribes it to the Saxon word ceald, or cele, signifying cold, combined with the Saxon hyth, or hyd, a port or haven. Skinner agrees with him substantially, deriving the principal part of the word from banks of sand, and the ea or ey from land situated near the water; yet he admits it is written in ancient records Cealchyth "chalky haven."

"'If the skipper hadn't been so gay and uppish about choosing Rosy, says Julius, 'there wouldn't have been no trouble. I do hate a smart Aleck. "'Who said draw straws? sputters George, mad clean through. 'And who 'eld 'em? 'Ey? Who did? "'Well, says Teunis, 'I didn't do it. You can't blame me. "'No. You set there like a bump on a log and let me and the mate put our feet in it.

"Would you sign a paper saying this?" asked Rotha, bending over him. "Ey, if there would be any good in it." "It might save the lives of father and Ralph; but your mother would need to witness it." "She will do that for me," said Garth feebly. "It will be the last thing I'll ask of her. She will go herself and witness it." "Ey, ey," sobbed the broken woman, who rocked herself before the fire.

Soh look to yersel, proud ledy look to yersel? Ey ha already smitten you in a place where ye win feel it sore, an ey win repeat the blow. Ey now leave yo, boh we shan meet again. Come along, Tib!" So saying, she sprang into the shrubbery, followed by the cat, leaving Alizon appalled by her frightful malignity.

"May be ye would, Sukey," replied the little girl, "boh eym nah so likely to be tried that way as yourself, lass; an if ey war swum ey should sink, while yo, wi' your broad back and shouthers, would be sure to float, an then yo'd be counted a witch."

I'm certain I have read the verses right, and no one would be so wicked as to print the word of God wrong. That can never be, Hist." "Well, to poor Injin girl, it seem every thing can be to pale-faces," returned the other, coolly. "One time 'ey say white, and one time 'ey say black. Why never can be?"

'No, aw hevn't, but aw'm a deal nearer nor aw wur when he first laft me. An' doesto know, lass, aw feel misel to be gettin' so near naa that aw can welly yer him singin'. There's nobbud a step or two naa, and then we's be i' th' same raam. 'An' is th' Almeety baan to mak' me climb as mony steps as thaa's climbed afore I ged into th' same raam as He's takken little Job too, thinksto? 'Ey, lass.

"Then I suppose you pay tribute to Mother Chattox, hostess?" cried Potts, "butter, eggs, and milk from the farm, ale and wine from the cellar, with a flitch of bacon now and then, ey?" "Nay, by th' maskins! ey gi' her nowt," cried Bess. "Then you bribe Mother Demdike, and that comes to the same thing," said Potts.

'Yo had better do it, John, hoo said, 'or yo'll rue it efore to-morrow neet. Ey laughed at her, an trudged on, boh when I looked back, an seed her shakin' her skinny hond at me, ey repented and thowt ey would go back, an gi' her the choice o' my wares.