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Coolly received, they held a fruitless interview with a committee of Congress, tried to bribe and intrigue, found that their own army had been already ordered to evacuate Philadelphia without their knowledge, and finally gave up their task in angry despair, and returned to England to join in the chorus of fault-finding which was beginning to sound very loud in ministerial ears.

But he had yet more to suffer. Lord Berkeley had the disposal of the deanery of Derry, and Swift expected to obtain it; but by the secretary's influence, supposed to have been secured by a bribe, it was bestowed on somebody else; and Swift was dismissed with the livings of Laracor and Rathbeggin in the diocese of Meath, which together did not equal half the value of the deanery.

"Out of mine own wealth he shall have it not as a bribe he would not have it so but because it is his." She caught his hands to her breast and cried out in delight. "And I shall be thy lieutenant, and none shall know of it, save thee and me." He smiled up at her. "Nay, there is danger in this," he said gently, "and I would not imperil thee.

One vote, and one only, he had contrived to secure. And to the giver of this vote, a needy and unprincipled member of the Senate, he now had recourse. He went, of course, with a large sum in his hand something about five thousand six hundred pounds of our money. With this the senator Staienus by name was to bribe sixteen out of the thirty-two jurymen.

If you really haven't leaked well, he" with a jerk of his head toward McCarthy "must bribe high, or have a strangle hold on you for fair." He looked around to see the boss' eye fixed intently on him, smiled pleasantly, and moved to one side. Simmons stepped forward, handed McCarthy a paper, and went out. The boss read the message slowly, and turned a little pale.

There is an official of some sort at court there, one Justin, a Balkan peasant by birth; you will do well to bribe him heavily, for he, probably, can manage the affair for you, One of the candidates does so: hands him a large sum, on the assurance from Justin that he shall be the man.

Indeed, many religious people in Morocco entirely disapprove of the whole of the midsummer ceremonies, maintaining that they are all bad; and a conscientious schoolmaster will even refuse his pupils a holiday at midsummer, though the boys sometimes offer him a bribe if he will sacrifice his scruples to his avarice.

Oh, I know what you're going to say it's less and less of a pretense with them, I grant you; they're more and more succumbing to the force of the suggestion; but here and there I fancy there's one who still sees through the humbug, and knows that money and motors and clothes are simply the big bribe she's paid for keeping out of some man's way!" Mrs.

My son got a whipping!" his mother exclaimed. "Yes, mother." "I am astonished. Come here, and tell me all about it." Paul stood by her side and told the story, how Philip Funk tried to bribe him, how he called him names, how, having got his lessons, he made a picture of the master. "Here it is, mother." He took his slate from his little green bag. The picture had not been effaced.

We have said to our public men not in words, but by the far more impressive language of our conduct "get money, power, success, and we will give you more money, power and success, and not ask you how you got them nor what ends you serve in using them." That so many have refused the bribe is to their credit, not ours; we have done what we could to corrupt them.