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An' it now bein' exackly twenty-two an' a half minutes past 'leven by my beautiful new watch as ticks most musical! Time as you was in bed both of you! an' that reminds me, Hermy, I sent your maid t' bed like you told me, an' with my own two hands I laid out one o' them lovely noo nightdresses the one with the short sleeves an' lace as you showed me last night an' Land sakes, she's gone!

Everything you do's so nice. But with her the plates have still got bits of yesterday's mustard on them, and all fluffy from the dishcloth...." "Not washed prop'ly." Emmy interestedly remarked; "that's what that is." "Exackly. And the meat's raw inside. Cooks it too quickly.

No use in running Isaiah's head off trying to ketch her. I want you to finish second, understand? Isaiah can beat all these other hosses. Don't pay no 'tention to the mare. Let her go." Little Mose nodded. "'At Fieldmouse is sutny a goin' fool when 'ey bet stable money on huh," said he. "Let 'at ole mare go, eh?" "Exackly," said the old man, "but be sure you beat the rest of 'em."

"Put yourself in his place," she continued, "remember them that's in bonds as bound with 'em, I disremember exackly how it goes, but no matter: I say your way a'n't right, and I'd say it seven times, if need be! There's no steadier nor better-doin' young fellow in these parts than Gilbert Potter. Ferris, down in Pennsbury, or Alf Barton, here, for that matter, a'n't to be put within a mile of him.

She regarded the question as a quite legitimate one. "No, I kain't say as I did, exackly," she replied. "But they come anosin' round, an' to teach 'em a lesson to keep ther noses out o' other people's hens' nests I shook a little pepper over 'em. I tell ye, they took to the woods, asneezin' that bad I thought ye might 'a' heard 'em all the way over here.

Why, there's Stanton come home from Peru with six mummies that he dug out of some sepulchre in that country. They look exackly like dried beef. Now, my view is that I ought to sit on those things. They're human beings; nobody 'round here knows what they died of. The law has a right to know.

"A man that laughs all the time ain't likely to mean it, Mose, but I don't know's I would say that Johnson is exackly a fool. No, he's a pretty wise man, of his breed. I reckon from what he said 'bout Walsh that he's in with the jockey syndicate. No wonder he wins races! Sure, he could get Walsh for me, or any other crook-legged little burglar that would send word to Johnson what I was doing!

"'Tain't exackly a case for a vigilance committee, tho' it's agin public morals, this sorter kidnappin' o' strangers. Looks ez if it might bring the country into discredit in England." "Well, don't YOU go and interfere and havin' folks say ez my nose was put out o' jint over there," said Minty, curtly. "There's another Englishman comin' up from 'Frisco to see him to-morrow.

Only she'll pe put a voman, and it'll not pe knowing no petter to her. You'll be minding you'll be firing ta cun at six o'clock exackly, Malcolm, for all she says; for my lord peing put shust come home to his property, it might be a fex to him if tere was any mistake so soon.

"You get up, too, Verman. You got to it's the rule. Now here I'll SHOW you what we're goin' to do. Stoop over, and both o' you do just exackly like I do. You watch ME, because this biz'nuss has got to be done RIGHT!" Sam muttered something; he was becoming more insurgent every moment, but he obeyed.