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"She's greater, that mother, than some humans," David said once, when they were on their way home. "Why?" asked Graham, interestedly. "Well," said David, slowly, "we most of us hold on too long when it's time for those we love to try their wings." "You wouldn't hold on, would you, David?" asked Graham, his boyish eyes upturned in perfect faith to his friend.

"What book do you suppose it is?" asked Jane interestedly. She was glad now that she had listened to Carter. She was sure she was going to like being in the service. It was all so interesting, and she was learning so many fascinating things. "If my theory is right those letters indicate that the book used was an almanac.

"It must be mighty hard on the land and cattle to have YOU farmin' them," she said. "It is," and he too laughed again. "They resent my methods. I'm a new farmer." "Faith ye must be." "To sum up my career I can do a whole lot of things fairly well and none of them well enough to brag about." "Just like me father," she said interestedly. "You flatter me," he replied courteously.

"You see, it's a game that can't be played too often or too close together," he said; "I mean, if I put it over around here, I can't risk it again nearer than some several states away. And even then it's likely to get caught on to." "Have you put it over often?" asked Hendricks, interestedly. "Yes, sir well, say, about a dozen times altogether. Now I'm going to chuck it, for it's too risky.

When did you come? How long are you going to stay? It seems a thousand years since I saw you last!" He was like an eager boy, though he was clearly no boy in years. He included them all in this greeting, but his eyes were ardently on Roberta as he ended. Ruth, screwed around upon the front seat and watching interestedly, could hardly blame him.

Detweiler swung off in the direction of the gymnasium and the two boys, continuing toward Main Hall, looked after him interestedly. "Gee, he's built for work, isn't he?" mused Amy. "Played tackle, didn't he?" "Yes, and he was a dandy. Bet you he will do a lot of good here, Amy." "He seems a level-headed sort," replied Amy. "I liked the way he minded his own business back there.

It isn't one bit." "What isn't?" demanded a man's voice interestedly. Joy turned her head to look.

Azalea spoke the last words wistfully, with a penitent look in her brown eyes. "Small wonder!" cried Elise, who was listening interestedly. "After you took that blessed child to " "There, there, Elise," Farnsworth interrupted, "we do trust Azalea. Let her finish her story." Azalea gave him a grateful look and went on.

Beside the punt I hesitated for a few moments, half inclined to cross by that obvious means, and leave Tim to do the swimming by daylight. Finally, however, I slipped off my clothes, tied them in a bundle on my head, and stepped silently into the water, closely and interestedly observed by one of the Orphanage watch-dogs, chained beside the landing-stage.

He will have to marry an heiress, that boy," she sighed and Barry Elder's eyes lighted in amusement. "How many of you are there?" he wanted interestedly to know, and vivaciously Maria Angelina informed him of her sisters, her life, her lessons, the rare excursions, the pension at the seashore, the engagement of her sister Lucia and Paolo Tosti.