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'No, aw hevn't, but aw'm a deal nearer nor aw wur when he first laft me. An' doesto know, lass, aw feel misel to be gettin' so near naa that aw can welly yer him singin'. There's nobbud a step or two naa, and then we's be i' th' same raam. 'An' is th' Almeety baan to mak' me climb as mony steps as thaa's climbed afore I ged into th' same raam as He's takken little Job too, thinksto? 'Ey, lass.

Penrose and Malachi o' the Mount, while on the settle beneath the window lay the sheeted dead. 'Where's th' lad? cried the mother, the torture of a great fear racking her features and agonizing her voice. There was no reply, the three watchers by the dead helplessly and mutely gazing at the snow-covered figure that stood beneath the open doorway within a yard of her child. 'Gronny, doesto yer?

'Yi; bud I were no hypocrite abaat it, for aw told her aw should never be a Calvin, an' aw never have bin. Doesto remember what thaa said, Betty, when aw tell'd thee aw should never be a Calvin? 'Nay, aw forget, lad; it's so long sin'. 'Bud aw haven't forgetten. Thaa said, "Never mind, thaa's no need to tell mi faither that; thaa can keep it to thisel." Aw'll tell yo' what, Mr.

Then th' owd woman coom in, and hoo said, 'Isaac, whatever i' the name o' fortin' hasto bin blunderin' and doin' again? Come thi ways an' look at this machine thae's brought us. It caps me if yean yowling divle'll do ony weshin'. Thae surely doesn't want to ha' thi shirt set to music, doesto?

'Where hes hoo bin, missus, thinksto? 'Nay, lad, I never ax'd her. I know where hoo's getten to, and that's enugh. 'But they'll be wantin' to know up at th' chapel where hoo's bin. 'They'll happen do more good by doin' by Amanda as th' Almeety does. 'Doesto mean i' His judgments? 'Nowe! theer's summat more wonderful nor them. 'What doesto mean? 'I mean His FORGEETFULNESS.

The day had broken and the shadows flown, and God's child was like a young hart on the mountains of Bether. 'Mother, dun yo' think they'd put my name on th' Church register agen at Rehoboth? 'I cornd say, mi Jass, I'm sure. But why doesto ax me? 'Becose I should like to dee a member of th' owd place. Yo' know I were a member once. Sin' I've been lyin' here I've had some strange thoughts.

Morell said to me when mi lad lay deead o' th' fayver, and noan on 'em would come near me. But aw sez, "Mr. Morell, theer's mony steps, an' I cornd climb 'em." An', doesto know, every time as I fretted and felt daan, I used to think o' him as was upstairs, and remember haa aw wur climbin' th' steps an' gettin' nearer him. 'But yo've noan getten to th' top yet, Gronny.

But, as I say, he started fairly weel, when th' conductor, a chap fra Manchester, who thought he knew summat, said, "Hooisht, hooisht!" But th' owd lad stuck to his tune. Doesto yer? hooisht!" But he'd mistaan his mon, Mr. Penrose, for Enoch nobbud stopped short to say, "Thee go on with thi conductin'. If hoo'll sing I'll play."

And haa doesto feel? The boy tried to move, and uttered a feeble cry of pain. 'Lie thee still, lad. Doesto think thaa can ston this? and the old woman laid another hot flannel on the boy's body. At first he winced, and a look of terrible torture passed over his face. Then he smiled and said: 'Yi! Gronny, aw can bide thee to do ought. Mr.

Thae never sees me weshin', doesto? I bought it for yo lasses; an' yo mun look after it yorsels. Tell some o'th men to get it into th' wesh-house. So they had it carried into th' wesh-house; an' when they geet it unpacked they were quite astonished to see a grand shinin' thing, made o' rose-wood, an' cover't wi' glitterin' kerly-berlys.