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Beasts of the village, the jungle, the river, all hurled their voices into the uproar. From the gloom around the houses rose the bellowing of cows and calves, the howls and yelps of dogs, the yowling of cats, the grunts and squeals of hogs.

So time passed and near a year was spent, but Chawner dallied to say the word and let 'em wed; and the crash came on a night in October, when the policeman suddenly found himself called to night duty by Inspector Chowne. 'Twas a beat along the Trusham covers, and a constable had gone ill, and the gamekeepers were yowling about the poachers as usual, instead of catching 'em.

The brat continued yelping and yowling, and eating more than his three brothers put together, and playing all sorts of unlucky tricks, for he was mighty mischievously inclined, till it happened one day that Tim Carrol, the blind piper, going his rounds, called in and sat down by the fire to have a bit of chat with the woman of the house.

"What do you mean by yowling in that ere kind of style, like a cattymount?" said a fourth; and hereupon I was seized and shaken without ceremony, for several minutes, by a junto of very rough-looking individuals. They did not arouse me from my slumber for I was wide awake when I screamed but they restored me to the full possession of my memory. This adventure occurred near Richmond, in Virginia.

"No, I don't want candy, I want to go to New York, I want to go I do-o-o," she wound up with a prolonged wail. "Good gracious, Florelle," said Reginald, "do stop that fearful yowling. If you don't, as soon as I go down town I'll send a bear back here to eat you up." At this Florelle screamed louder than ever, and had to be taken away from the table.

His early boyhood was the sort of mess that copy-books and dictionaries spell with a big "M," and his babyhood ugh! was the embodiment of howling, yowling, screaming mess.

Now, as any one who was ever struck there knows, a man's shin is as tender as a bear's nose; and the surprised tramp was soon dancing about in the air, hugging his bruised leg and yowling like a wildcat. But Pretty had run on past, leaving him to his misery. Now he came up to the other two, who moved in single file toward him.

My much-needed slumbers at my new quarters are rudely disturbed as a son of Erin might, perhaps, declare under similar circumstances before they are commenced, by the fearful yowling of Beerjand cats.

And those jaws flung all their strength into the ravening grip. A squall, hideous in its unearthly clangor, split the night silences. The maddened cat whirled about, spitting and yowling; and set its foaming teeth in the dog's fur-armored shoulder. But before the terrible curved claws could be called into action, Lad's rending jaws had done their work upon the spine.

Pa went into my room, and up to the bed, and I could hear him say, 'Come out here and bring in that kindling wood or I will start a fire on your base burner with this strap. And then there was a yowling such as I never heard before, and Pa said, 'Helen Blazes, and the furniture in my room began to fall around and break. O, my!