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Updated: August 17, 2024

On another occasion, an Irish labourer, whom Moses put in the County Court, hurled a handful of quicklime in its eye, by which its sight had been in part destroyed; and its glossy skin was all patched with bare spots where outraged housewives had doused it with scalding water. 'We cornd get at him, they used to say, 'but we con get at his dog, and mak' him smart i' that road.

While thus musing in the quiet of the darkening chamber, Milly turned from her contemplation of the stars with the somewhat startling question: 'Mr. 'That's bothered her a deal latly, broke in the mother, with a choking voice. 'Hoo sez hoo noan cares for heaven if hoo cornd play on th' moors, and yer th' wind, and poo yethbobs when hoo gets there. What dun yo' think abaat it, Mr. Penrose? Mr.

Morell said to me when mi lad lay deead o' th' fayver, and noan on 'em would come near me. But aw sez, "Mr. Morell, theer's mony steps, an' I cornd climb 'em." An', doesto know, every time as I fretted and felt daan, I used to think o' him as was upstairs, and remember haa aw wur climbin' th' steps an' gettin' nearer him. 'But yo've noan getten to th' top yet, Gronny.

I've played o' th' neet thro' on these moors, Mr. Penrose, when I couldn't sleep i' bed, or stay i' th' haas. It's a grond thing, is music, when yo're brokken-hearted. If ever yo' marry and hev childer, teach 'em music a chap as con play con feight th' devil so much better nor him as cornd.

I am looking after the hundredth the one that went astray. 'Better leave her alone, Mr. Penrose. There's an owd sayin' i' these parts that yo' cornd go into th' mill baat gettin' dusted. That means in yur talk that yo' cornd touch pitch baat gettin' blacked. If thaa goes to Mrs. Stott's they'll say thaart goan for naught good.

Old as her mother was, she knew that mother's innocence, and shrank from the thought that one so pure, so womanly, should hang on those lips so sorely blistered by the breath of sin; and, once more stretching out her arm, she said: 'Durnd touch me, mother durnd! ''Manda, cried the mother, defiantly and grandly, all the passion of maternity rising in her heart, ''Manda, thaa cornd unmother me.

'Hooisht! lass, thaa mornd try to speerit through th' clouds that are raand abaat His throne. He tak's one i' one way, an another i' another; but if He tak's em to Hissel they're better off than they'd be wi' us. 'Well, Gronny, aw tell thee, aw cornd see it i' that way yet; and again the mother caressed the body of her son.

I cornd help but cry. I tell thee I've fun mi heart. And Moses again sobbed like a child.

The day had broken and the shadows flown, and God's child was like a young hart on the mountains of Bether. 'Mother, dun yo' think they'd put my name on th' Church register agen at Rehoboth? 'I cornd say, mi Jass, I'm sure. But why doesto ax me? 'Becose I should like to dee a member of th' owd place. Yo' know I were a member once. Sin' I've been lyin' here I've had some strange thoughts.

'Nay, Libby; yon's a natural sized waist hoo's nobbud small made, thaa sees, said the woman to whom the remark had been made. 'Well, aw'd ha' donned a bonnet on a Sunday. 'Yi; so would I. An' a married woman an' o' aw think hoo might be daycent. 'Yo're reet, lass; there is, an' no mistak'. 'Can hoo play th' pianer, thinksto? 'Can hoo dust one? 'Nowe, aw'll warnd hoo cornd.

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