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He can tak' better care on 't nor thaa can; bless it, it'll sooin be better off nor ony on us don't fret, my lass th' Lord comfort the'." And so in this way Little Abe went on talking, softening, comforting, and strengthening the bitter heart of that poor woman; at length he said, "Thaa wants me to baptize th' little un, I reckon." "If yo' pleeas," she replied.

'Yi, lass, but I've fun mi heart, and he again clasped his startled wife, and grew young in his caresses. 'I thought thaa kept thi luv for Captain, Moses. But I durnd mind goin' hawves wi' th' owd dog. I awlus said that a chap as could luv a dog hed summat good abaat him somewhere and thaa's luved Captain sum weel. 'And others a deal too little, lass.

He would come home of an evening and sit looking into the fire for an hour without speaking or moving; he had given over singing in the house, and he seemed as if he hadn't spirit enough left to whistle to the little bird in the cage; his meals lay almost untasted, and his tea would go cold before he had taken any. "Come, my lad, thaa mun get thee tea thaa knows," said the old father one evening.

'Molly o' Long Shay were noan sich a beauty, bud aw felt as aw could aw liked to ha' kuss'd her that day, an' no mistak'. "Ey, Molly," aw said, "if aw thought thaa spok' truth, aw'd see Betty to-neet." "See her, mon," hoo said, "an' get th' job sattled." 'Well, yo' mun know, Mr.

"'Aye, and a bonny neighbour thaa is to be comin' here knocking up sich a row at this toime o' th' noight.

'I durnd know what yo' mean, Gronny. 'Why, it's i' this way, lass; my Jimmy and yor little Job wur aar own, wurnd they? 'Yi, forsure they wur. 'We feshioned 'em, as the Psalmist sez, didn't we? 'Thaa sez truth, Gronny, wept the younger woman. 'And we feshioned 'em lads an' o'. 'Yi, and fine uns; leastways, my little Job wur bless him.

'Hooisht! lass, thaa mornd try to speerit through th' clouds that are raand abaat His throne. He tak's one i' one way, an another i' another; but if He tak's em to Hissel they're better off than they'd be wi' us. 'Well, Gronny, aw tell thee, aw cornd see it i' that way yet; and again the mother caressed the body of her son.

With a bound or two Matt cleared the stairway and stood by the side of Miriam. There she lay, poor girl! limp and exhausted, wrapped in her old gown like a mummy, her long, wet hair, which was scattered in tresses on the pillow, throwing, in its dark frame, her face into still greater pallor. 'Thaa munnot speak, Miriam, said the nurse in a low tone. 'If thaa moves tha'll dee.

If thaa knew all, thaa'd spurn me more like. ''Manda, replied the woman, in the desperation of her love, 'I'll kiss thee if thaa kills me for't. I connot help it; thaa'rt mine. 'I wor once, I wor once, but nod now. 'Yi! lass, but thaa art.

'I see, said he, 'thaa weant be put off; tak' this, and go hoam wi' the'." This story, told in the vernacular of the district, of which this is a very imperfect rendering, and accompanied with Abe's expressive gestures, was exceedingly effective, and not easily forgotten. Nor did he omit the beautiful moral of the parable, showing the necessity of prayer, importunate prayer, prayer at all times.