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"Yorkey!" he mumbled huskily, "old man! . . . Yor " He choked a bit, and was silent. Waveringly, a skinned-knuckled, but sinewy, shapely hand crept out and gently ruffled Redmond's curly auburn hair. Vaguely he heard a voice speaking to him. Could that tired, kind, whimsical voice belong to Yorke?

Bit yo seem coom to an honest trade an Louie theer ha larnt a trade too, an addle't a bit money, an she's a fine-grown lass He turned a slow, searching look upon her, as though he were pleading a cause before some unseen judge. 'An theer's yor money, Davy. It's aw th' same, a'm thinkin, whether yo get it fro me or fro Mr. Gurney. An here

"Oh, has everything got to happen all at once?" she cried aloud, protesting against the implacableness of misfortune. "Yor mommie's sick," Phoebe announced in a whisper. "She's crazy 'cause you been so long. She's awful bad, I guess." Billy Louise said nothing, but went in where her mother lay moaning, her face white and turned to the ceiling.

They askt her to be as they were & then shee should be well & we herd sd Kate saye I will not yeald to you for you are wiches & yor portion is hell fyre to all eternity & many such like expressions shee had; telling them that Mr.

"How long wil it bee fore you cum hom I luv you an I wanto see you Me n Jonny slided on my sled an we ran intu a fense an got hurted I lern my lesons, but I cant spel big words yet When I say I want my Randy ma dont cry but her ize is wet and ant Prudence wipes her glassis Hi put sum gum in Jonys cap an it got stuk to his hare. When you cum hom I wil be so glad for I luv you "Yor litle PRUE."

She dried her eyes again, sighing plaintively. George said what kind and consoling things he could think of. Mary Batchelor put up her hand and touched him on the arm as he leant over her. "Aye, I knew yo'd be sorry an yor wife " She turned feebly towards Letty, trying with her blurred and tear-dimmed sight to make out what Sir George's bride might be like.

'An we buried him aw reet an proper, said Reuben at last, wiping his brow, damp with this unwonted labour of brain and tongue. 'Mr. Gurney he would ha it aw done handsome; and we put him in a corner o' Kensal Green, just as close as might be to whar they'd put her after th' crowner had sat on her. Yor feyther had left word, an Mr. Gurney would ha nowt different.

I never saw him after I had seen some effects of his discourse, which before I valued not, and therefore was not curious to enquire after more than he voluntaryly tolde me, which I then entertayned not wth. these serious thoughts which I have synce reflected on in his discourse. This is as much as I can remember on this business which, according to youre desire, is written by "Sr. Yor., &c.,

Then goodwife Lockwood said, goodwife Knapp what ayle you; goodman Lyon, I pray speake, did you heare vs name goodwif Staplyes name since we came here; Lyon wished her to haue a care what she said and not breed difference betwixt neighbours after she was gone; Knapp replyed, goodman Lyon hold yor tongue, you know not what I know, I haue ground for what I say, I haue bine fished wthall in private more then you are aware of; I apprehend goodwife Staples hath done me some wrong in her testimony, but I must not render euill for euill.

An' dun yo' remember, Betty, haa th' young gaffer laffed at me, an' said as aw could noan play wi' th' likes o' yo'? 'Yi, aw remember, Malachi; but ged on wi' yor tale. Mr. Penrose here is fair plagued. 'Indeed, I'm not. Go on, Malachi. Take your own time, and tell your story in your own fashion. 'Aw will, Mr. Penrose, if hoo'll nobbud let me.