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In Lystra was a contract which he lost and redressed. A young man that fell out of a window and died, he raised to life, and did many other miracles. At the Isle of Melita a serpent bit his hand, and hurted him not, and he threw it into the fire.

'Twas his own manliness, indeed, brought it an him backin' the sack when he was bringin' home our last meldhre * from the mill; for you see he should do it, the crathur, to show his strinth, an' the sack, when he got it an was too heavy for him, an' hurted the small of his back; for his bones, you see, are too young, an' hadn't time to fill up yet. No, avourneen.

He's a friend, I suppose, of the boy that was shot?" The officer nodded. "Well, boy, what's all this fuss about?" He looked kindly, keenly into the defiant black eyes of Buck. "Mikky's hurted mebbe deaded. I wants to take him away from dare," he burst forth sullenly. "We kids can't go off'n' leave Mikky in dare wid de rich guys. Mikky didn't do no harm. He's jes tryin' to save de kid." "Mikky.

"See, now, b'y," said he, "I'm strong for mindin' me own business, but a wink's as good as a nod to a blind horse. Nobody's been hurted hereabouts yet, but keep at ut and some wan will be. I don't want ut to be you or Casey. Go aisy, like a good la-ad." "I'm easy as a fox-trot," said McHale. "So's Casey. We ain't crowdin' nothin'. Only we're some tired of havin' a hot iron held to our hides.

David, leaving the old dog to secure the warrior pig, ran round to her; but he was anticipated. The whole matter had barely occupied a minute's time; and Maggie, rushing from the kitchen, now had the child in her arms and was hurrying back with her to the house. "Eh, ma pet, are yo' hurted, dearie?" David could hear her asking tearfully, as he crossed the yard and established himself in the door.

"We need a man about your size to lift trunks off the cars for us." Of course the man was only joking, but Freddie always felt like a real man and he answered promptly: "Nope, I'm goin' to be a fireman. I've put lots of fires out already, besides gettin' awful hurted on the ropes with 'Frisky." "Frisky, who is he?" inquired the men. "Why, our cow out in Meadow Brook.

But the pony did no wrong, and you've hurted him!" "Bad again!" groaned Terry; "and I felt so good. You are not a kind man," she added, looking at him with big tears in her blue eyes. "I'm not going to ask you to do anything for me. Only, if you would just tell me where Connolly's farm is perhaps I can get there if the fog would only go. I can walk Jocko there, and Connolly will take care of him."

You are going to get a most 'licious present, and it will be I who has gived it to you. Sometimes I does wish I was two years older; but Aunt Sophy has got monstrous fond of me, Paulie, and of you, too. I know it. Shall I tell you how I know it?" "How?" asked Pauline. "I was standing near her when you said you wouldn't go for a drive, and she gave a big sigh, just as though she was hurted.

I was one that time, because I tried to save somebody and didn't care if I got hurted!" "You are a brave little boy," Aunt Sarah assured him. "You just sit here with sister while I try to get that naughty Frisky before she spoils the garden." By this time the calf was almost lost to them, as she plunged in and out of the pretty hedges. Fortunately Bert and Harry just turned in the gate.

"Paint pertec's little boys' feets," he said, "an' keeps 'em f'om gittin' hurted, Aunt Minerva, don't it?" Miss Minerva laid down her fork and gave her nephew her undivided attention. "You have been getting into mischief again, I see, William; now tell me all about it. Are you afraid of me?" "Yas 'm," was his prompt response, "an' I don't want to be put to bed neither.