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Seeing the fine field open for the exercise of his ingenious imagination, Jocko set to work as speedily as possible, to see what havoc he could make in the short time the sagacious animal knew he had at his disposal; and he seized hold in some way or other of a big quart bottle of ink which the chaplain kept for a reserve stock on top of the bookcase at the side at least so it was thought afterwards, no one, of course, having seen him do it.

From that time on, Billy and the monkey, whose name was Jocko, hated each other and an outward peace was only kept up when someone was around to keep them apart. The monkey would climb a pole or sit on top of a wagon, or anything high that was handy, so Billy could not reach him and then call him names and sauce him until Billy pawed the earth with rage, which made the monkey laugh.

Tom wor goin' on ahid, wid `Gyp' a-kapin' behoind him, an' Oi, sure, behoind him agin wid Miss Jenny, whin the monkey Jocko, who wor alongside of Tom's fayther, catches sight of `Gyp, and makes for the to'-gallant crosstrees ov the mulberry-tree, faith.

But the pony did no wrong, and you've hurted him!" "Bad again!" groaned Terry; "and I felt so good. You are not a kind man," she added, looking at him with big tears in her blue eyes. "I'm not going to ask you to do anything for me. Only, if you would just tell me where Connolly's farm is perhaps I can get there if the fog would only go. I can walk Jocko there, and Connolly will take care of him."

But he had not lived in vain; for after this day of trial, mischievous Neddy behaved much better, and Aunt Jane could always calm his prankish spirit by saying, as her finger pointed to a little collar and chain hanging on the wall, "If you want to act like naughty Jocko, say so, and I'll tie you up. One monkey is enough for this family."

Hereupon the chimpanzee seized a bottle of Rockhouse malaga, and filled a glass. "He has erred on the safe side there," said Jack, drily. "Well," added Willis, laughing, "we must let that pass. Jocko," said he, assuming a sententious tone, "I asked you for a plate." The chimpanzee looked at him, hesitated a moment, then seized the glass, and drank the contents off at a single draught.

He knew well enough what had occasioned the enthusiasm of the blue-jackets, and bit his lips to restrain his laughter, which so suffocated him that he felt he would burst if he had to keep it in much longer! All he could do now was to brazen out the imposture, and he huddled the boat-cloak round Jocko so as to conceal his form.

Finally Danny had just one needle case left out of the stock Jocko had handed to him to peddle, and while they waited before the open entrance door of a palatial residence for the return of the lady of the house, who had left them to find her pocketbook, and whose footfalls they could hear as she descended the stairway leading into the basement of her home, Danny deliberately pushed the unsuspecting Jim through the half-open door into the hall of the mansion, and told him in a whisper that if he did not steal something he "would tell Kansas Shorty."

Take it off this minute!" "Come here, Jocko!" roared the Italian. "Come, Jocko!" and he held out his hands. But Jocko had no intention of coming. Instead he clung the closer, his two forefeet in the lady's hair. The hair was largely false, and all of a sudden a long switch came loose and fell to the ground. At this the damsel screeched at the top of her lungs and, caught at the hair.

For great tears of pity were coursing down the rosy cheeks, and Glen was trying his best to wipe them away with his fat little fists. Elizabeth supplied the missing handkerchief, and as Peace raised it to her face, the monkey gave a sudden convulsive shudder, the tiny paws loosed their grasp about the warm neck, and Jocko lay dead in the child's arms.