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"Do you think it is men's fault then, other men's, that such poor people haven't fire to keep them warm?" "Well whose should it be, sir, if it wouldn't?" "Might it not be the people's own fault?" "Sartain!" cried Mrs. Staples, "when the money goes for drink. But why does it go for drink?

He thought longingly of silk pajamas and a hot bath and started up finding himself half asleep, dreaming of miles of wire fence, of hammering staples and tightening wires, of laboring with breaking back over holes which, as fast as he dug them, filled with the shifting sand.

Posts would split in the sun, and staples would drop out, leaving sagging spaces which cattle never failed to find and take advantage of. Trees uprooted by the rain and wind would often fall across the fence. Altogether, the maintaining of a serviceable fence-line on a well-ordered ranch necessitates eternal vigilance.

It was a life, of course, that abounded in what pass for hardships. Bad air, bad beds and bad food are their staples and what passes for service seems especially calculated to encourage the victim to dispense with it as far as possible. The stages and dressing-rooms in the theaters were almost always dirty and were frequently overrun with rats.

Well today me and Charlie was setting on his steps. Beany was mad because i was going with Charlie and he had gone riding with his father and he felt pretty big because his father let him drive. well while we were setting there along came Cris Staples who carries papers for Lane and Rollins store, and Cris hollered over, hullo Polelegs.

Yet in the present which he sent, there were no servants; though he manifestly selected the most valuable kinds of property. Gen. xxxii. 14, 15; see also Gen. xxxvi. 6, 7; xxxiv. 23. As flocks and herds were the staples of wealth, a large number of servants presupposed large possessions of cattle, which would require many herdsmen.

It was while perplexed with the situation and trying to solve it that it solved itself in an unexpected way. Frye was out that day, and Albert was, as he had been for three days, thinking how to escape, when a red-faced and rather bellicose sort of a man came in and inquired for Frye. "My name is Staples," he said, "and I've got a lawsuit on my hands.

Staples, you saw me pick it up." "But how did it come there?" "Oh, I know!" Ida Bellethorne cried, with sudden animation. "That girl stood right there. She opened her bag to get out her purse and she must have flirted it out to the floor." "Humph!" said the storekeeper doubtfully. "Give it to me, Mrs. Staples, and I'll run after her," cried the English girl anxiously. "Humph!" This was Mrs.

For the most tart agriculture is successful, eleven staples having risen in value from about $5,300,000,000 two years ago to about. $7,000,000,000 for the current year. But range cattle are still low in price, and some sections of the wheat area, notably Minnesota, North Dakota, and on west, have many cases of actual distress.

She was just about to seize her hat and cloak, and to dash out into the street, in the mad hope of overtaking him, all heedless of little Pearl's cry, as she woke from her sleep and held out her hand, when there came a sudden knock upon the door. It was the colored maid. "If you please, ma'am, you are wanted in Miss Staples' room." "I I can not go now," cried Dorothy, incoherently.