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The gigantic and magnanimous John Frederic, surprised at his devotions in the church, fled in dismay, leaving his boots behind him, which for their superhuman size, were ridiculously said afterwards to be treasured among the trophies of the Toledo house. Brantome, Hom.

I found a fine slab of slate, inscribed with the Tibetan characters, "Om Mani Padmi hom," which Meepo allowed me to take away, as the reward of my exertions. I assume, therefore, that 19,000 feet at this spot is not below the mean level at which all the snow melts that falls on a fair exposure to the south: this probably coincides with a mean temperature of 20 degrees.

I am, Sir, Your humble servant, No. 39. <gr> 'Oduseuoes fulloisi caluyato' t<y?> d' ar' 'Aq<hnh> <gr> "Gpnon eoep' <ommasi ce<u?>, ina min pauseie tacista <gr> Duspon<es cam<atoio>. HOM. E'. 491. Pallas pour'd sweet slumbers on his soul; And balmy dreams, the gift of soft repose, Calm'd all his pains, and banish'd all his woes.

You have found him? Hom! I should say a maladie of nerfs will come to him. A pin fall he start! A storm at night he is out dancing among his ships of venture! Not a bid of corage! which is bad. If you shall find Mr. Pole for to- morrow on ze lawn, vary glad." With a smile compounded of sniffing dog and Parisian obsequiousness, Mr.

Most conversations that were not connected with eating and hunting were of this nature to Henri. "Hom'-sik," he cried, "veech mean bein' sik of hom'! Hah! dat is fat I am always be, ven I goes hout on de expedition. Oui, vraiment." "I always packs up," continued Joe, paying no attention to Henri's remark "I always packs up an' sets off for home when I gits home-sick.

Mesore su je povres et cheitifs, perfond en la terre gys, Ma grand beaute est tout alee, ma char est tout gastee Moult est estroite ma meson, en moy ne si verite non, Et si ore me veissez, je ne quide pas que vous deeisez Que j'eusse onges hom este, si su je ore de tout changee."

The gigantic and magnanimous John Frederic, surprised at his devotions in the church, fled in dismay, leaving his boots behind him, which for their superhuman size, were ridiculously said afterwards to be treasured among the trophies of the Toledo house. Brantome, Hom.

No. 152. Friday, August 24, 1711. Steele. Hom. 'Il. 6, v. 146. There is no sort of People whose Conversation is so pleasant as that of military Men, who derive their Courage and Magnanimity from Thought and Reflection.

Nay, he deserves not the very name of such an officer in the church: why should he be called a pastor that doth not feed? or a teacher, that doth not teach his flock? &c., saith Chrysost. Hom. xv. in 1 Timothy. 2.

The lamas or priests of Thibet are likewise said to repeat to their rosaries, the syllables om, am, um, or hom, ham, hum; which corresponds in some measure with the customary exclamation of the Chilese.