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But, "Not yet," Von Gerhard had said, "It unless you want to have again this miserable business of the sick nerfs. Wait yet a few months." And so I have waited, saying nothing to Norah and Max. But I want to be in the midst of things. I miss the sensation of having my fingers at the pulse of the big old world.

Reason enough for a crise des nerfs. Even I, who had nothing to do with it, found my equilibrium disturbed. Lady Auriol and I dined together. She declared herself rested and in her right and prosaic mind. "I have no desire to lose your company," said I, "so I hope there's no more talk of an unbooked strapontin on the midnight train." "No need," she replied. "He's leaving Clermont-Ferrand tomorrow.

But often there was a devil in it which mocked at me. After the first sentence or two it twisted the ribbon; at the end of twenty sentences the ribbon was like an angry snake, writhing and coiling hideously. I shouted for Mackenzie, the American, a master of these things. He came in and saw my blanched face, my sweat of anguish, my crise de nerfs.

His repetition of her name the 'Sandra' being uttered with unwonted softness plunged her into a fit of weeping. "Ah!" Mr. Pericles shouted. "See what she has come to!" and he walked two or three paces off to turn upon her spitefully. "she will be vapeurs, nerfs, I know not! when it wants a physique of a saint! Sandra Belloni," he added, gravely, "lift up ze head! Sing, 'Sempre al tuo santo nome."

You have found him? Hom! I should say a maladie of nerfs will come to him. A pin fall he start! A storm at night he is out dancing among his ships of venture! Not a bid of corage! which is bad. If you shall find Mr. Pole for to-morrow on ze lawn, vary glad." With a smile compounded of sniffing dog and Parisian obsequiousness, Mr.

Suddenly he asked: "Are you making the proper effort to get well? You try to conquer those jumping nerfs, yes?" I glared at him. "Try! I do everything. I'd eat woolly worms if I thought they might benefit me. If ever a girl has minded her big sister and her doctor, that girl is I. I've eaten everything from pate de foie gras to raw beef, and I've drunk everything from blood to champagne."

Ministers of France who had read a little history, were terribly afraid that out of the soul of Paris would come turbulence and mob-passion, crises de nerfs, rioting, political strife, and panics.

Two hands sneaked up in the darkness and pulled our window down. "We could prove an alibi," I giggled, "for Mary would go on the stand and swear that I was in bed prostrated with a headache!" The next night the soup was on the table at five minutes before seven, and we heard that the white dog was laid up for a week with an "attaque des nerfs."

Your lovely songs have been ringing in my ears ever since I heard them! 'Where did you hear them? On a piano-organ? he asked. 'You're too bad! Isn't he naughty? No, when you sang here last. Mr Mitchell came up, and Madame Frabelle turned away. 'Dieu merci! La pauvre! Elle me donne sur les nerfs ce soir, said Landi.

'In the evening, said Bunel, 'Lemonier en eut une crise de nerfs dans laquelle il avait perdu connaissance. Leaving the boys' sworn evidence, and returning to the narrative with its gossip, we learn that Thorel boasted of his success, and said that, if he could but touch one of the lads again, the furniture would dance, and the windows would be broken.