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Jim inquired, as Norah and Wally came out of the fruiterer's laden with bags of assorted sizes, which they dumped thankfully into the buggy, with the immediate result that a bag of peaches burst, and had to be rescued from all over the floor. "Nor., you'll not have a penny left, and we'll all be violently ill if we eat half you've bought. Come on home."

Bobs! In her bewildered terror she scarcely realized for a moment what he meant; then she raised her whip and cut with all her strength at the hand that held the rein. He gave a sharp yell of pain as the stinging whalebone caught him, but he did not relinquish his grasp, and Norah struck at him again and again, half blindly in the darkness, but always with the strength of desperation.

It is only two years since you and I were left disinherited orphans and we are sharing our poor father's fortune between us, after all!" "Wait a little, Norah. Our shares come to us in very different ways." "Do they? Mine comes to me by my husband. Yours comes to you " She stopped confusedly, and changed color. "Forgive me, my own love!" she said, putting Magdalen's hand to her lips.

"You haven't got on with that piece a bit!" "What's the good?" the pupil would remark, twisting round on the music stool; "I can play nearly all of it from ear!" "That's not the same" severely "that's only frivolling. I'm not here to teach you to strum." "No" Norah would agree abstractedly. "Mr. Groom, you know that poley bullock down in the far end paddock " "No, I don't," severely.

Norah explained rapidly, and Jim flung himself off, tossing Garryowen's rein to Wally, and ran to her. "Kiddie you're all right? He didn't hurt you?" The boy's voice was shaking. "Only my wrists," said Norah, and then began to shudder as the memory of the struggle in the trees came back to her. Jim put his arm about her. "Thank heaven for that blessed Indian!" said he.

Genius you may be; but what are you that you should bring calamity like this upon humanity?" "I'm an Irishman, and I hate England, and that's enough," he replied sullenly, as he went on packing his papers. "You hate that Englishman worse than you hate England, John." "And I wouldn't wonder if you loved that Englishman more than you loved Ireland, Norah," he replied, with a snarl in his voice.

"And, my lads," observed the captain, "if the Frenchmen retake us, depend upon it that's the way we shall be treated they'll not give us another chance." The only person who slept that night was Norah, who, although she had not gone through any physical exertion, had felt more anxiety than any one, from knowing the risk those whom she loved were about to run.

He then shook hands with Owen, to whom Lieutenant Foley, who was the other officer, had at first addressed himself; but, seeing Norah, he advanced and paid his respects, inquiring for her friend Miss Ferris. "She is well, and about to sail for Jamaica on board this vessel," answered Norah. "You will, if you land at Dublin, have an opportunity of seeing her."

"I didn't say so to papa," said Norah, taking her mother's arm on the way back to the house, "but the bad result of the acting, in my opinion, will be the familiarity it is sure to encourage between Magdalen and Francis Clare." "You are prejudiced against Frank, my love," said Mrs. Vanstone. Norah's soft, secret, hazel eyes sank to the ground; she said no more.

Why don't they come over here and tell us all about it?" cried Norah; and, as if anxious to gratify her curiosity, Mr Bertrand came towards the verandah at that very moment, and presenting Hilary to them with a flourishing hand, cried roguishly "Allow me to introduce to you the future Mrs Herbert Rayner!"