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It's makin' me fortin'. Cud we ony git dead babbies enough we'd all be rich, Bridget, but here's enough to kape the pot bilin' for wakes to come, and guv us a good sup o' whiskey into the bargain. Here, take a drap," she said, pulling out a black bottle and holding it up to Mrs. Jocelyn. "What yer glowrin' so ghostlike for?

"Ye don't say so!" exclaimed Barney in great surprise, as he blew an immense cloud of smoke from his lips. "Now, that's extror'nary. Why don't everybody go to the mines and dig up their fortin at wance?" "Because men cannot eat diamonds," replied the hermit gravely. "Troth, I niver thought o' that; ye're right."

"The bullet entered here," said Max Fortin, and he placed his middle finger over a smooth hole exactly in the center of the forehead. I sat down upon a mound of dry seaweed and unslung my fowling piece. The little chemist cautiously felt the edges of the shot-hole, first with his middle finger, and then with his thumb. "Let me see the skull again," said I. Max Fortin picked it up from the sod.

Now Sally's got th' heater in the fire, we may's well hev th' urn in, though he doesn't come. I niver see'd the like o' you, Mr. Jerome, for axin' people an' givin' me the trouble o' gettin' things down an' hevin' crumpets made, an' after all they don't come. I shall hev to wash every one o' these tea-things myself, for there's no trustin' Sally she'd break a fortin i' crockery i' no time!

All he had to do was to get aboard one o' them ships, and be off seekin' his fortin at t'other end o' the rainbow, where gold grows on bushes and there's valleys o' diamonds. "So, nothin' would do but I gin my old mother the slip; and away I went to sea, with my duds tied up in a han'kercher. "I tell ye what, boys, ef ye want to find an easy life, don't ye never go to sea.

"Weel, sir," cried Jennet, eyeing him sharply, "what does all this suspicion tend to?" "You shall hear, my little dear," returned Potts. "It would not surprise me, if every one of your family, including yourself, should be arrested, shut up in Lancaster Castle, and burnt for witches!" "Alack a day! an this ye ca' makin my fortin," cried Jennet, derisively.

Out with my shullin' an' fourpence! None of yer sneakin' ways with me; a bargain's a bargain all the world over! Yer're making a fortin' with my babby yer know y' are; pays yer a good deal better than yer old trade! Don't say it don't yer know it do.

He tells us to follow a Frenchman round the earth, rather than let him escape." "No doubt, sir. Follow him round three earths, if you can keep him in sight; but not round four. That is all I contend for, Captain Cuffe. Even women, they tell me, take what is called their thirds, in a fellow's fortin'."

How heavy the arm grows, how stiffly the muscles move, how the will creaks and groans. BATISCAN! It is not easy for a human being to become part of a machine. Fortin himself took the longest spell at the crank, of course. He went at his work with a rigid courage. His red-hot anger had cooled down into a shape that was like a bar of forged steel.

Then I got angry in earnest, in earnest, you know. Well? Well, that was useless. I was taken like a poor fly. It was too late. It was all over. All over! All over. Monsieur Fortin let me go then. Ah! sir, if you knew how ashamed I was. Perhaps it is not unnecessary to recall the fact that Gregory VII was the first of the popes to impose celibacy on the clergy.