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These he enclosed with the deeds in a large blue envelope, and in a clerkly hand addressed them, with a note, to James Crawshaw. After this he knelt down, and, as he prayed, Captain came and laid his head upon the clasped hands of his master. 'Good-mornin', Abram. Hasto ought fresh daan i' th' village? 'Plenty, Enoch; hasto yerd naught? 'Nowe; I hevn't bin daan fro' th' moors sin' Sundo.

"Well, well," said Nanny, "that wur a bonny come off, shuz heaw. But how wenten they on at after?" "Well, I'll tell yo, Nanny," said Skedlock. "Th' owd clerk wur noan in when Robin geet to th' dur wi' his cart that neet, so his wife coom with a leet in her hond, an' said, 'Whatever hasto getten for us this time, Robert? 'Why, said Robin, 'it's some mak of a organ.

It noan seems reet that thee and me should be sittin' by th' fire, and little Job yonder cowd i' th' shadow. Let's pool up th' settle to th' fire; he's one on us, though he's deead. 'Let him alone, lass; he's better off nor them as wants fire; there's no cowd wheer he's goan. Rising from her chair, and turning the sheet once more from off the boy's face, the mother said: 'Where hasto goan, lad?

"Nay, sure. Does he get ony wage?" "Nawe," replied Skedlock; "he's drawn his wage wi' his teeth, so fur. But he's larnin', yo' known he's larnin'. Where's yo'r Jone? I want to see him abeawt some plants." "Well," said Nanny, "sit tho down a minute. Hasto no news? Thae'rt seldom short of a crack o' some mak." "Nay," said Skedlock, scratching his rusty pate, "aw don't know 'at aw've aught fresh."

Then th' owd woman coom in, and hoo said, 'Isaac, whatever i' the name o' fortin' hasto bin blunderin' and doin' again? Come thi ways an' look at this machine thae's brought us. It caps me if yean yowling divle'll do ony weshin'. Thae surely doesn't want to ha' thi shirt set to music, doesto?

An' thaa didn't wear shoon noather, thaa wore clogs clogs as big as boats, Mr. Penrose; an' they co'd him Clitter-clatter for a nickname. Hasto forgetten, Malachi? 'Aw wish thaa wouldn't be so plaguey partic'lar, lass, an' let a felley get on wi' his tale, said Malachi to his wife. And then, turning to Mr.

And again he vowed his vow, and the still night air carried it far beyond the distant stars to where He sits who knows the thoughts and tries the reins of men. 'Thaa'rt lat' to-neet, Moses; where hasto bin?