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I went therefrom to Norcombe, and malted there two-and-twenty years, and- two-and-twenty years I was there turnip-hoeing and harvesting. "Then I malted at Dur- nover four year, and four year turnip-hoeing; and I was fourteen times eleven months at Millpond St. "Old Twills wouldn't hire me for more than eleven months at a time, to keep me from being chargeable to the parish if so be I was disabled.

Halstead; I'm glad to be here. It's a grand night. And looking through the open doorway at the great expanse of snow-covered moor, he said, 'What a beautiful world God's world is is it not? Shut that dur afore th' kitchen's filled wi' snow. When yo're as owd as me yo'll noan be marlockin' i' snow at this time o' neet. What's life to young uns is death to owd uns, yo' know.

Ramsey flopped his head at the rear wall of the room, and began again: "Most pottent potent gray and revenerd signers my very nobe and approve good masters that I have tan away this sole man's dutter it is mose true true I have marry dur the very headman frun tuv my fending hath this extent no more rude am I in speech in speech rude am I in speech in speech in speech in speech " He had stalled.

'In the morning, said the husband, 'I will make you something better than your cane. Such a beast as that feels nothing; it is in the proverb dur comme un ane; you might beat her insensible with a cudgel, and yet you would arrive nowhere. Something better! I little knew what he was offering. The sleeping-room was furnished with two beds.

Wheer's th' Sunday-school, chylt? Bill. Second door round the corner, sir. Tho. Second dur reawnd th' corner! Which corner, my man? Bill. Round any corner. Second door's all-ways Sunday-school. THOMAS sits down on a door-step. Tho. Eh, but aw be main weary! Surely th' Lord dunnot be a forsakin' ov mo. There's that abeawt th' lost ship.

So they demanded nothing but hard cash argent dur. However, the first great obstacle had been successfully overcome; and so, on the strength of five borrowed silver dollars, the accredited commissioners of the Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies made their state entry into what they still hoped to call the Fourteenth Colony.

'Yi! aw remember that, Malachi, said the old woman, proudly recalling the days of her youthful prowess; 'there were no man 'at ever insulted me twice. 'When aw see th' tackler put his arm raand Betty, I were through th' dur and down th' alley wi' a hop, skip and jump, and hed him on th' floor before yo' could caant twice two.

Little song written since Weber set his horns a-breathing, or Brahms transmuted the witchery of the German forest into tone, is more romantic. Over it might be set the invocation of Heine: "Steiget auf, ihr alten Traüme! Oeffne dich, dur Herzenstor!"

G. You've mistaken somebody for him. Th. Well, aw'm beawn to tell tho moore. Twothre days ago, aw seigh mo chylt coom eawt ov this same dur aw mane th' heawsedur, yon. Col. G. Are you sure of that? Th. Sure as death. Aw seigh her back. Col. G. Her back! Who could be sure of a back? Th. By th' maskins! dosto think I dunnot know mo Mattie's back? I seign her coom eawt o' that dur, aw tell tho! Col.

"If Madame has a character as strong as her genius, her name will one day be on the lips of all the world." He looked at her searchingly. "I knew it!" exclaimed M. Thillard. "Madame, je vous félicite." "Ah!" cried Jouffroy, with a shake of his black shaggy head, "this is not a fate to be envied. C'est dur!"