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An, lastly, ey ha' let myself blood, when the moon wur at full, an in opposition to th' owd hag's planet, an minglin' it wi' sawt, ha' burnt it i' a trivet, in hopes of afflictin' her; boh without avail, fo' ey seed her two days ago, an she flouted me an scoffed at me. What mun ey do, good mesters? What mun ey do?" "Have you offended any one besides Mother Chattox, my poor fellow?" said Nowell.

"Who's that?" asked Mother Chattox, quickly. "Master Richard Assheton, o' Middleton," whispered Nan Redferne. "Another of these accursed Asshetons," cried Mother Chattox. "A plague seize them!" "Boh he's weel-favourt an kindly," remarked her grand-daughter. "Well-favoured or not, kindly or cruel, I hate them all," cried Mother Chattox. "To the crosses, I say!"

"An so this is your grand scheme, eh, sir?" "This is my scheme, Jennet," said Potts, "and a notable scheme it is, my little lass. Think it over. "Boh, ey am neaw witch, ey tell ye, mon," cried Jennet, angrily. "But you're a witch's bairn, my little lassy," replied Potts, "and that's just as bad, and you'll grow up to be a witch in due time that is, if your career be not cut short.

That is to say, not bad news, certainly, but amazing news. Boh! I'm a fool." He stopped short after this complimentary assertion, for uncle Rik had somewhere read or heard that joy can kill, and he feared to become an accomplice in a murder. "Come, Rik, don't keep us in suspense," said his brother, rising; "something has happened."

"I had been drinking, and knew not what I said," rejoined Nicholas, angrily. "Boh yo promised me a few minutes ago, an yo're sober enough now," cried Nance. "Ey dunna knoa that," rejoined Dame Baldwyn, looking reproachfully at him. "Boh what ey dun knoa is, that nother o' these squemous queans shan ge in efore me."

When we got back, and had had a bath, the Boh wanted to know when he was going to be hanged. Hicksey said he couldn't oblige him on the spot, but had to send him to Rangoon. The Boh went down on his knees, and reeled off a catalogue of his crimes he ought to have been hanged seventeen times over, by his own confession and implored Hicksey to settle the business out of hand.

Soh look to yersel, proud ledy look to yersel? Ey ha already smitten you in a place where ye win feel it sore, an ey win repeat the blow. Ey now leave yo, boh we shan meet again. Come along, Tib!" So saying, she sprang into the shrubbery, followed by the cat, leaving Alizon appalled by her frightful malignity.

Once we flushed 'em, the men on the ponies had the advantage of the men on foot. We held all the country absolutely quiet for ten miles round, in about a month. Then we took Boh Na-ghee, Hicksey and I and the civil officer. That was a lark!" "I think I am beginning to understand a little," said Cleever. "It was a pleasure to you to administer and fight?" "Rather!

I have ever loved you, and striven to please and serve you. I have always taken your part against others, even when you were in the wrong. Oh! Jennet, you cannot hate me." "Boh ey do," replied the little girl, spitefully. "Ey hate yo now warser than onny wan else. Ey hate yo because yo are neaw lunger my sister becose yo 're a grand ledy's dowter, an a grand ledy yersel.

"Boh! ba! boo!" exclaimed Simek, after a sudden guffaw; "that's not equal to what I did to the walrus. Did I ever tell it you, friends? but never mind whether I did or not. I'll tell it to our guest the Kablunet now." The jovial hunter was moved to this voluntary and abrupt offer of a story by his desire to prevent anything like angry feeling arising between Okiok and the wizard.