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Ey'n getten a steigh clapt to yon windaw, an' you con be down it i' a trice an' along t' covert way be t' river soide to t' mill." But the abbot stirred not. "Quick! quick!" implored Hal o' Nabs, venturing to pluck the abbot's sleeve. "Every minute's precious. Dunna be feert. Ebil Croft, t' miller, is below.

And he exhibited the warrant. "Soh, yo mean to hong me, eh, wizard?" cried Hal o' Nabs, kicking his heels with great apparent indifference. "I do," replied Demdike; "if for nothing else, for slaying my hound." "Ey dunna think it," replied Hal. "Yo'n alter your moind. Do, mon. Ey'm nah prepared to dee just yet." "Then perish in your sins," cried Demdike, "I will not give you an hour's respite."

I needn't sit; you don't want a stitch, either of you." Honor, without more ado, seized the coat, and, flinging it aside, pushed him over to a seat on which she forced him to sit down. "As heaven's above me," she exclaimed, "I dunna what come over you at all, at all. Your money, your thrash, your dirt an' filth, ever, ever, an' for evermore in your thought, heart and sowl.

"Dunna think to deceive me, squoire," rejoined Nance; "ey knoa yo ha borrowed three hundert punds i' gowd fro' yung Ruchot Assheton; an os surely os ye ha it aw under your jerkin, so surely win yo lose it, if yo dunna turn back, or ge on without me keepin' ye company." "I have no objection on earth to your company, Nance," replied the squire; "quite the contrary.

"She canna be baptised without my consent, an ey refuse it. Ey dunna want her to be a witch at least not yet awhile. What mays yo here, yo little plague?" "Ey wur brought here, mother," replied Jennet, with affected simplicity. "Then get whoam at once, and keep there," rejoined Elizabeth, furiously. "Nay, eyst nah go just yet," replied Jennet. "Ey'd fain be a witch as weel as yo."

As they passed under a promontory, clothed from the water's edge to its topmost ridge with the most luxuriant vegetation, it was pointed out to the lady as "the minister's back." "'T is a strange name," said Fanny. "Do you know why it is called so?" "Faix, I dunna, my lady barrin' that it is the best covered back in the country. But here we come to the aichos," said he, resting on his oars.

He was oblivious of the fact that they were Reddin's bees. Reddin presented them. 'There, he said gruffly; 'now you can be civil again. 'But these be hive-bees! said Hazel, 'and they was comforble to begin with! I dunna want that sort. I wanted miserable uns! 'Hang it! how could I know? asked Reddin irritably. 'No. I suppose you couldna, said Hazel; 'you'm terrible stupid, Jack Reddin!

'Them chillun's terrible ugly, said Hazel wearily. Reddin came over to her. 'But yours'll be pretty! he said. 'Dunna come nigh me! cried Hazel fiercely. 'She says I'm going to have a little 'un! It was a sneak's trick, that; and you're a cruel beast, Jack Reddin, to burn my bees and kill the rabbits and make me have a little 'un unbeknown. 'But it's what all women expect!

Sipping it in the dim parlour, where familiar things looked eerie, she thought of Reddin and his strange doings since her wedding. 'Eh, but it ud anger Ed'ard sore if he came to know, she thought. 'What for does Mr. Reddin come, when he can see I dunna want him? A slow flush crept over neck and temples as she half guessed the answer.

You'd soon persuade a good many simple folks here that I never did ride the mare, never broke her leg, nay, never saw her that day at all. Wouldn't you, now? wouldn't you?" Here the laughter, on all sides, was loudly renewed. "But I'll take precious good care ye dunna! No, no! that's the very thing that I've stepped up here for. It's to keep your consciences clear of a few more additional lies.