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She regarded her sister with grave, tender eyes. "Ruth, dear, I couldn't I just couldn't live in this house. You know I couldn't," she finished gently. Mrs. Carew stirred irritably. "I'm sure I don't see why not," she fenced. Della Wetherby shook her head. "Yes, you do, dear. You know I'm entirely out of sympathy with it all: the gloom, the lack of aim, the insistence on misery and bitterness."

There was a peculiar intonation in her complacent voice, which showed she had been expecting him, a little irritably. He went across into her bar-parlour. It would not hold more than eight or ten people, all told just the benches along the walls, the fire between and two little round tables. "I began to think you weren't coming," said the landlady, bringing him a whiskey.

With a strange sensation of reluctance he walked into the narrow passage and paused, uncertain which room to enter first. As he stood hesitating a voice from the sitting-room settled the question. "Who's there?" it called, irritably. "What do you want?" Without further ceremony the intruder pushed the door open and entered the room.

I spent twenty-four hours making up my mind whether I should resign or take this risk. I came to the conclusion that I should serve my country better by taking the risk. So there you are. What are you going to do about it?" "What the mischief can I do about it?" Hebblethwaite demanded irritably. "You are putting me in an impossible position. Let me ask you this, Wyatt.

Forgive me, I repeat again: surely it's quite as humiliating to collect the money by farthings from idle people who have music lessons to while away their time, as to borrow it from your friends." "I haven't any friends," she said irritably. "And please don't talk nonsense.

The boulevard was full of cars flying countryward for the Saturday half-holiday, toward golf and tennis, green fields and babbling girls. I gritted my teeth and thought of McKnight at Richmond, visiting the lady with the geographical name. And then, for the first time, I associated John Gilmore's granddaughter with the "West" that McKnight had irritably flung at me.

Sabina and her escort had arrived-a host of men; but he had strictly ordered that no one, not even his wife, was to be admitted to his presence. The comfort of tears was denied him, but his grief gripped him at the heart, clouded his brain and made hint so irritably sensitive that an unfamiliar voice, though even at a distance, disturbed him and made him angry.

He still maintained the same steadfast, earnest look, which began to grow embarrassing, for it emphasized the consciousness which she could not stifle, that she alone was to blame. She turned irritably away, and sat down on the opposite side of the room. "It's just part and parcel of your past folly," she began. "If I had known he was here, and could have seen him or written to him "

"My poor boy! how will he bear it, if she says No? What will become of him, if she says Yes?" He rubbed his hand irritably across his forehead, like a man whose own thoughts were repellent to him. In a moment more, he plunged into his pockets, and drew out again the letters introducing him to the secretaries of public institutions.

"Don't let us talk of such folly any longer," the lawyer said irritably.