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Three Purty Maids from School. How time flies, eh? Showing long red pantaloons under his skirts. Drinkers, drinking, laughed spluttering, their drink against their breath. More power, Pat. Coarse red: fun for drunkards: guffaw and smoke. Take off that white hat. His parboiled eyes. Where is he now? Beggar somewhere. The harp that once did starve us all. I was happier then.

Jamie Coom, the blacksmith, who I aye jealoused was my rival, came up and asked Jess, with a loud guffaw, "Where is the tailor?" When I heard that, I took to my heels till I found myself on the little stool by the fireside with the hamely sound of my mother's wheel bum-bumming in my lug, like a gentle lullaby.

Westray laughed with a thin and tinkling merriment that irritated Anastasia more than an honest guffaw. "When he stuck at seven thousand eight hundred pounds for the church, I tried to give you a helping hand with the organ. I told him you lived in the house; would he not like to see you? `Oh no, not now, he said; `some other day."

He heard a rough guffaw from a few men in the rear; then a voice: "It's the dough we're out fer no damned princess." Danbury whitened. He leaped forward as though to throw himself into the midst of them all, and reached for the throat of the man who had spoken. But Stubbs who had been watching, drew his revolver, and followed close behind.

"You you bought Zip's claim?" he asked incredulously. "Ha'f of it. Me an' Zip's partners. You got anything to say?" Bill's words rapped out with biting force, and Sandy, knowing the man, waited, solemn-eyed. Just for one moment astonishment held his audience breathless. Then some one sniggered, and it became the cue for an instantaneous and general guffaw of derision.

It was darkly hysterical and he released a tacit, tickled guffaw in a strong exhaled breath, circumspect to stifle noise that could awaken the other passengers. The dream of forty was rather unequivocal but the meaning of the other was not so obvious.

The undeniable humor of such a situation finally dawned upon Higgins's mind, and he burst into a loud guffaw. "Hey there! Shut up!" Anthony called from the piano. "Listen here! I've found the lost chord." He bore down with his huge hands upon the yellow keyboard, bringing forth a metallic crash that blended fearfully with the bartender's voice. "It's a great discovery."

We've been too busy looking after your interests." The scar where the case-knife had slashed his cheek so long ago stood starkly out from the dull red of his face. At that the old man threw back his head and burst into a great guffaw of laughter.

Jubal Perkins broke into a derisive guffaw. "What ails ye, Andy?" he cried. "Though ye never seen no harnt, ye 'pear ter be fairly witched by that thar tricked-out blackberry bush." Rufe shrugged up his shoulders, and began to shiver in imaginary terror over a fancied fire. "Old Mis' Price's harnt!" he wheezed. The point of view makes an essential difference.

But I'll jest tell you as a friend, that if you go resurrectin' any moh of them man slaughters I don't care if they're older'n the 'sassination of Garfield I'll hang you for bein' a plain damn fool." With this he uttered a loud guffaw, but once more grew sober and laid his hand on Dale's shoulder: "Don't you go killin' no moh fellers 'round heah! I do mean that!