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If her crown of life had been an insurance policy, she would have had an opportunity to collect on it the first time she fell. But she holds it on sufferance and by a complimentary construction of language which does not refer to her.

Frona's face went blank at the telling, then the laughter came back into it. "Won't it be jolly? I'll do it if it raises a scandal. To-night, Dave? Sure to-night?" "Sure. An' you git a complimentary, you know, fer the loan of yer parlor." "But papa must pay his five cups. You must insist upon it, Dave." Dave's eyes twinkled appreciatively. "I'll git it back on him, you bet!"

The sun was shining full on the pair; Fluff was laughing, Arnold was making a complimentary speech. Frances did not know why a shadow seemed to fall between her and the sunshine which surrounded them. She walked slowly across the grass to meet them. Her light dress was a little long, and it trailed after her. She had put a bunch of Scotch roses into her belt.

She heard Bompard say: "There, you have sent her off, talking like that," and what La Touche replied she could not hear, but she guessed it was something not complimentary to Bompard or herself. The boat was half full of rain-water.

Reverend Finch listening thus far with the complimentary attention due to the correspondence of one young man of fortune with another young man of fortune interfered in Oscar's interests, to secure him a patient hearing. "My dear Lucilla, endeavor to control your restlessness. You interfere with our enjoyment of this interesting letter.

In that case her veiled allusions to his own fear of meeting Dakota were very likely founded on something which Dakota had told her, and certainly anything which Dakota might have said about him would not be complimentary. Therefore his rage against both Sheila and his enemy was bitter when he finally rode up to the door of the latter's cabin.

During the epidemic, eighteen assistant Surgeons had shared his labors, all of whom had in succession been attacked by the fever, which carried off nine of them. General Palmer, in recognition of Surgeon Mayer's services, appointed him Medical Purveyor of the district, and this office he held until the muster out of the regiment. A complimentary order was issued to him.

I don't believe that your blessed mother would know you, and as for your fathers they would be puzzled at any rate." This was uttered in a whisper, and while the doorkeeper was gone for the rum and ale; and I suppose it was intended to be complimentary, although we didn't look upon it in that light. "Is he here?"

The Gazette was circulated among the boys of the Academy and also sent to their parents and to many other schools which exchanged with them, so that it had a considerable circulation. In a short time there were complimentary notices of the latest number of the Gazette in several of the school periodicals, all of them noticing its improvement and speaking highly of the new editor.

Taddeo thankfully yielded the room to him; he joined his own work to that of his less able friend in an exquisitely pretty and complimentary way; throwing his own greater strength into it, not competitively, but gradually and helpfully.