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There's nothing she don't think of, that Miss Mercer!" said Jud Harkness appreciatively, as he lit up, and sent great clouds of blue smoke in the air. "Boys, if we don't do a tiptop job on that house to finish it off this afternoon we ought to be hung for a lot of ungrateful skunks. Eh?"

For once, his dominating voice was reduced to something approaching softness, in his sardonic appreciation of his own humor in the conception of what these two men, who had ventured to resist his importunities, might receive at the hands of his faithful satellites.... The doorman grinned appreciatively, and herded his victims from the place.

Noske was allowing them to reorganize the military. The thing was a farce. Social Democracy had failed. The country was already in flames. There would be things happening. "You wait and see. Yes, the Spartikusten will do something ..." Dorn nodded appreciatively. He felt instinctively that he had stumbled upon a man of value and service. But he listened carelessly.

He painstakingly looked like a very honest man. After a moment there were responsive grins. "If there's anything missing when I start back," said Hoddan, "I can't imagine how it happened! None of you would take anything. Oh, no! I bet you'll blame it on me!" He shook his head and said "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." One of the guards sat up and said appreciatively: "But it's locked. Good."

"And yet, do you know, Bishop, I've thought that he might mean us to save ourselves against this Gentile persecution. Sometimes I find it hard to control myself." The Bishop grinned appreciatively. "So I heer'd. The Lute of the Holy Ghost got too rambunctious back in the States on the subject of our wrongs. And so they called you back from your mission?"

His clothes were so perfect that they would have expressed the whole of him even though his body had not been there. He was happy. His eyes danced appreciatively; he waved his white gloves at the scene as though blessing it. "Of course, Mr.

He looked at the crimson ball of the sun, now drowning in a lake of ruddy vapors behind the belt of elms; he nodded appreciatively at the palely glimmering evening star and pointed to a spot some yards ahead. "Build it there, Billy," he commanded briefly. The stoker hitched his thumbs in his blackened leather waist-strap and spat toward the rear of the van.

"Pays us for looking after her," he confided to his wife, "and looks after her himself!" Mrs. Bullen laughed and then sighed, being a soft-hearted woman, and inclined to grieve over their impending desertion of their unbusinesslike master. "Mr. Philip couldn't do more for her if he was her own father," she acknowledged appreciatively.

Ephraim Tutt slowly unjointed himself, the quintessence of affability, though Mr. Brown clearly held him under suspicion. "How long have you earned your living, my dear sir, by going round arresting people?" "Sixteen years." "Under what name your own?" "I use any name I feel like." Mr. Tutt nodded appreciatively. "Let us see, then. You go about pretending to be somebody you are not?"

Hollis smiled appreciatively. "The editor of the Kicker is going to use the express," he admitted, "though not in the manner some people are wishing. The usual number of copies of the Kicker are going to ride on the express, as are also some very forceful letters to the President of the United States and the Secretary of the Interior." "Good!" said the Judge. He looked critically at Hollis.