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"Ye may say that Miss Damahoy, and I ken o' them that hae gotten raisins frae Lunnon by forpits at ance," responded Plumdamas; "and then sic an host of idle English gaugers and excisemen as hae come down to vex and torment us, that an honest man canna fetch sae muckle as a bit anker o' brandy frae Leith to the Lawnmarket, but he's like to be rubbit o' the very gudes he's bought and paid for.

"Mr. Plumdamas Mrs. Howden Miss Damahoy," again implored the orator, "Mind the distinction, as Counsellor Crossmyloof says 'I, says he, 'take a distinction. Now, the body of the criminal being cut down, and the execution ended, Porteous was no longer official; the act which he came to protect and guard, being done and ended, he was no better than cuivis ex populo." "Quivis quivis, Mr.

"Mr. Plumdamas Mrs. Howden Miss Damahoy," again implored the orator, "Mind the distinction, as Counsellor Crossmyloof says 'I, says he, 'take a distinction. Now, the body of the criminal being cut down, and the execution ended, Porteous was no longer official; the act which he came to protect and guard, being done and ended, he was no better than cuivis ex populo." "Quivis quivis, Mr.

Howden and Miss Damahoy at once, the acid fermentation of their dispute being at once neutralised by the powerful alkali implied in the word secret. "Here's Mr. Saddletree can tell ye that better than me, for it was him that tauld me," said Plumdamas as Saddletree came up, with his wife hanging on his arm, and looking very disconsolate.