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On the same principle the father rules, not because of what he represents as an Individual, but because he represents the Family. Whenever he chooses, he abdicates, and must then join his other children in obeying the eldest son.

Now, in the Middle Ages in Europe, when a king grew tired of affairs of state, he abdicated. So in the Far East, when the head of a family has had enough of active life, he abdicates, and his eldest son reigns in his stead. From that moment he ceases to belong to the body politic in any active sense.

The secret could no longer be kept. A great, a decisive field had been fought; and the French army was no more. The Duke's magnanimous silence under such treatment for so long a period will be appreciated by posterity. Napoleon appeals in vain to the Chambers Abdicates for the second time Is sent to Malmaison And then to Rochefort Negotiates with Capt.

If Parliament abdicates its authority now, what may we not anticipate? I have long felt that the House of Commons could not long continue to govern the great concerns of the British Empire as it has done. I certainly did not expect that it would yield without a struggle nor will it.

In the parliament, the nation raised its collective will to the dignity of law, i.e., it raised the law of the ruling class to the dignity of its collective will. Before the Executive power, the nation abdicates all will of its own, and submits to the orders of an outsider of Authority.

This challenge, not being allowed to be accepted by either party, is followed, in a day or two, by the abdication of the reigning queen; she leads out the swarm, and her successor is liberated by her keepers, who, in her time, abdicates in favor of the next younger.

The Allies invade France on the eastern, and Lord Wellington invades it on the southern frontier. Battles of Laon, Montmirail, Arcis-sur-Aube, and others in the north-east of France; and of Toulouse in the south. Paris surrenders to the Allies, and Napoleon abdicates. First restoration of the Bourbons. Napoleon goes to the isle of Elba, which is assigned to him by the Allies.

Her glance back was as frank as his only it had more of the mother in it; it was like a kindly pat on the head; and she was the mother as she mused: "So you have missed me, then?" "Missed you " "Did you think of me after you came here? Oh, I know I was forgotten; poor Istra abdicates to the pretty pink-face." "Oh, Istra, don't. I can't we just go out for a little walk so so we can talk?"

This challenge, not being allowed to be accepted by either party, is followed, in a day or two by the abdication of the reigning queen; she leads out the swarm, and her successor is liberated by her keepers, who, in her time, abdicates in favor of the next younger.

The numerical majority whether by custom or by choice, is immaterial is ready, is eager to delegate its power of choosing its ruler to a certain select minority. It abdicates in favour of its elite, and consents to obey whoever that elite may confide in.