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Well, idt is goodt for zore eyess. How didt you findt where I lif? "They told me at Maroni's," said March. He tried to keep his eyes on Lindau's face, and not see the discomfort of the room, but he was aware of the shabby and frowsy bedding, the odor of stale smoke, and the pipes and tobacco shreds mixed with the books and manuscripts strewn over the leaf of the writing-desk.

Well, idt is goodt for zore eyess. How didt you findt where I lif? "They told me at Maroni's," said March. He tried to keep his eyes on Lindau's face, and not see the discomfort of the room, but he was aware of the shabby and frowsy bedding, the odor of stale smoke, and the pipes and tobacco shreds mixed with the books and manuscripts strewn over the leaf of the writing-desk.

Well, idt is goodt for zore eyess. How didt you findt where I lif? "They told me at Maroni's," said March. He tried to keep his eyes on Lindau's face, and not see the discomfort of the room, but he was aware of the shabby and frowsy bedding, the odor of stale smoke, and the pipes and tobacco shreds mixed with the books and manuscripts strewn over the leaf of the writing-desk.

I feel zore about the heart, Meary, and it's all com' of parting with you. Don't you feel queerish, too?" "Can't say that I do, Jacob. "Meary, oi'm afeard you don't feel like oie." "P'r'aps not women can't feel like men. I'm sorry that you are going, Jacob, for you have been very kind and obliging, and I wish you well."

The wound was not severe, but it was painful, and the sticking-plaster which held the point of his unfortunate member in its place gave his countenance an unusually comical appearance. "Is it very zore, boy?" asked Scholtz. "Zore! I wish you 'ad it, an' you wouldn't 'ave to ask," returned Jerry. "How did you come by it?" asked Junkie, looking grave with difficulty.

I feel zore about the heart, Meary, and it's all com' of parting with you. Don't you feel queerish, too?" "Can't say that I do, Jacob. I shall soon see you again." "Meary, oi'm afear'd you don't feel like oie." "P'r'aps not women can't feel like men. I'm sorry that you are going, Jacob, for you have been very kind and obliging, and I wish you well."