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Immediately opposite Peliti's shop my eye was arrested by the sight of four jhampanies in "magpie" livery, pulling a yellow-paneled, cheap, bazar 'rickshaw. In a moment my mind flew back to the previous season and Mrs. Wessington with a sense of irritation and disgust.

Immediately opposite Peliti's shop my eye was arrested by the sight of four jhampanies in "magpie" livery, pulling a yellow-paneled, cheap, bazar 'rickshaw. In a moment my mind flew back to the previous season and Mrs. Wessington with a sense of irritation and disgust.

No other 'rickshaw was in sight only the four black and white jhampanies, the yellow-paneled carriage, and the golden head of the woman within all apparently just as I had left them eight months and one fortnight ago! For an instant I fancied that Kitty must see what I saw we were so marvelously sympathetic in all things. Her next words undeceived me "Not a soul in sight!

In the centre of the level road stood the black and white liveries, the yellow-paneled 'rickshaw, and Mrs. Keith-Wessington. I pulled up, looked, rubbed my eyes, and, I believe, must have said something. The next thing I knew was that I was lying face downward on the road, with Kitty kneeling above me in tears. "Has it gone, child!" I gasped. Kitty only wept more bitterly.

In the centre of the level road stood the black and white liveries, the yellow-paneled 'rickshaw, and Mrs. Keith-Wessington. I pulled up, looked, rubbed my eyes, and, I believe must have said something. The next thing I knew was that I was lying face downward on the road with Kitty kneeling above me in tears. "Has it gone, child!" I gasped. Kitty only wept more bitterly.

As a fitting climax, in the middle of the level men call the Ladies' Mile the Horror was awaiting me. No other 'rickshaw was in sight only the four black and white jhampanies, the yellow-paneled carriage, and the golden head of the woman within all apparently just as I had left them eight months and one fortnight ago!

In the center of the level road stood the black and white liveries, the yellow-paneled 'rickshaw and Mrs. Keith-Wessington. I pulled up, looked, rubbed my eyes, and, I believe, must have said something. The next thing I knew was that I was lying face downward on the road, with Kitty kneeling above me in tears. "Has it gone, child?" I gasped. Kitty only wept more bitterly. "Has what gone?

No other 'rickshaw was in sight only the four black and white jhampanies, the yellow-paneled carriage, and the golden head of the woman within all apparently just as I had left them eight months and one fortnight ago! For an instant I fancied that Kitty must see what I saw we were so marvelously sympathetic in all things. Her next words undeceived me "Not a soul in sight!

Immediately opposite Peliti's shop my eye was arrested by the sight of four jhampanies in black and white livery, pulling a yellow-paneled, cheap, bazar 'rickshaw. In a moment my mind flew back to the previous season and Mrs. Wessington with a sense of irritation and disgust.