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At first Dantes, who now called himself the Count of Monte-Cristo, wanted to kill Fernand's son, Albert de Morcerf, but he spared the young man for Mercedes' sake. He looked up Mondego's past history. The latter had risen to power through crime and treachery. He had betrayed Ali Tebelen, Pasha of Yanina, and sold the latter's wife Vassiliki and daughter Haydee into slavery.

Meanwhile, Danglars, stooping to Monte Cristo's ear, "Your advice was excellent," said he; "there is a whole history connected with the names Fernand and Yanina." "Indeed?" said Monte Cristo. "Yes, I will tell you all; but take away the young man; I cannot endure his presence." "He is going with me. Shall I send the father to you?" "Immediately." "Very well."

Do you ever meet with it, Messrs. editor and Secretary I mean the name of our brilliant friend, Albert de Morcerf? The rumor ran that, after the disgrace and suicide of the Count, his father, he and his mother went south, and he later to Africa." "I have hardly seen the name of Morcerf in print since the paragraph headed 'Yanina' in my paper, about which poor Albert was so anxious to fight me."

"Silence!" said Albert, with a thundering voice. "No; it is not you who have directly made this exposure and brought this sorrow on us, but you hypocritically provoked it." "Yes; you! How came it known?" "I suppose you read it in the paper in the account from Yanina?" "Who wrote to Yanina?" "To Yanina?" "Yes. Who wrote for particulars concerning my father?"